We Are Stopping The SPREAD of Negativity- and So Can You.

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A global pandemic requires a global response and tomorrow, Wednesday March 18th, with the encouragement and chizuk of Gedolim, a worldwide campaign is launching to join Klal Yisroel together in taking on a simple but powerful Kabbalah for 14 days as a zechus to protect us from all harm from the Corona virus.

As the crisis deepens each day, Hashem is calling to us to look upward and recognize that everything is in His control. While the rest of the world continues trying to figure out stopgap measures to stem the ongoing spread of the disease, we know that it is only through Rachamei Shamayim that it will come to an end.

By accepting to not text, forward or post any hurtful messages for 14 days starting Wednesday March 18th until Tuesday March 31st we will send a message that we recognize the potential damage that a seemingly “harmless” comment can make. Parallel to the Corona virus, we understand how the unchecked spread of such negativity can painfully impact individuals and groups in a very short time period.

Joining the campaign is easy by visiting www.joinstopthespread.com or texting “stopspread” to 474747. You can already sign up NOW!

Together with our continued Tefillos, the merit of this united campaign should BE’H again turn the months of Adar and Nisan into a zman of Nissim and Yeshuos for all of Klal Yisroel.


  1. Unfortunately there was a tremendous amount of machlokes and lashon hara during the measles situation, which started in November 2018. Since Rav Kanievsky, shlita, recently said that in order to protect ourselves from the coronavirus we must be careful with shimiras halashon (“Eveyone must be mechazek to refrain from Lashon Harah and rechilus”), perhaps this virus came about because of negligence with shmiras halashon.

    Maybe it would be a good idea for those who unfortunately were involved in this machlokes and lashon hara to ask mechila from those they hurt, and those who were hurt can grant forgiveness (even if not asked for forgiveness) because Rav Kanievsky, shlita, also said that we should strengthen ourselves in the middah of humility and “maavir al midosav” (let things slide).” Can all our tehillim and tefillos be answered l’tovah now if we are still tainted with the machlokes and lashon hara that occurred starting November 2018, and perhaps still occurs?

  2. Recently an article was written on one of the Jewish News sites which stated as follows:
    BUSINESS AS USUAL: While the entire United States comes to a screeching halt due to the Coronavirus pandemic, and the entire NYC Public School System is closed, one community seems to be oblivious, or simply in total denial of what is going on.
    In order to stop the negativity we need to petition the Frum websites to stop as well. Here’s how it could’ve written the article. By just stating the facts. Say what happened and that’s all. Why the need to bash a whole faction of mainstream Jews? Why the need to say that they’re in self denial or oblivious. Why imply that that community is apathetic to the rest of the world. Did they ask a rov before writing such an article? We aren’t talking about a cult leader or someone whom other Rabbanim have put in cherem.
    In general I’ve been viewing frum sites over the years, and they might not realize it but their content has become progressively more cynical. Besides controversy the standard in tzniyus has gone way way down.
    I think a good idea would be to have a Rav Hamachshir who will publicly stand behind the articles, pictures and general content. We don’t eat food that doesn’t have a hechsher why should we read things without a censor.
    I know they work hard to be fair and proper but one can’t always trust himself to make the right decision.

  3. There is more than machlokes. There is actual sinah and attacks upon almanos by supposed “frum” yiden. Pirkei Avos 5:11 warned that “pestilence comes to the world for the death penalties not administered by the court” (i.e. those from shamayim. The Torah says to expunged the evil from our midst. The second half of the pasuk about Lashon Harah warns not to stand by your brother’s blood! The Ibn Ezra says that even those who stand by silently as a widow is tormented ARE PUNISHABLE BY DEATH. I will not go into the two specific cases here but New Rochelle has definite connections to them. Those are what you SHOULD be reporting!! How much more bluntly does Hashem to deliver his messages??


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