WHAT A WASTE: Bezos On Donation Spree Gives Obama Foundation $100 Million

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Jeff Bezos is giving $100 million to the Obama Foundation, the largest single gift former President Barack Obama’s philanthropic organization has received and just the latest in a string of high-profile donations by the world’s second-richest person.

The gift, in honor of the late-Congressman John Lewis, will “help expand the scope of programming that reaches emerging leaders in the United States and around the world,” Courtney Williams, a spokesperson for the foundation, said in a statement. “As part of the gift, Bezos has asked for the plaza at the Obama Presidential Center to be named the John Lewis Plaza.”

Bezos, 57, has been on a philanthropic spree since he stepped down as Amazon’s CEO in July, giving away almost $600 million this year, including the latest announcement, which was first reported on Monday by Puck Media.

Days before completing an 11-minute flight into space through his company Blue Origin, Bezos announced a $200 million gift to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, with the bulk of it going to establish the Bezos Learning Center. After the trip, Bezos said he would provide $100 million each to Van Jones, a CNN political contributor and founder of Dream Corps, and chef Jose Andres, co-founder of World Central Kitchen, which helps feed people in disaster-stricken regions.

Bezos also announced a gift to fight family homelessness through his $2 billion Day One Fund promise, with $96 million going to 32 organizations. His $10 billion Earth Fund pledge to fight climate change has also revealed more of Bezos’s plan in recent months, including at the COP26 in Glasgow.

Bezos, who’s worth $209.9 billion according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, has rapidly increased donations after years of relatively little giving. His ex-wife MacKenzie Scott has emerged as one of the most prominent philanthropists in the world after they divorced in 2019. This year she’s given away $2.7 billion, bringing her total donations since the divorce to more than $8.5 billion.

(c) 2021, Bloomberg · Sophie Alexander 



  1. Bezos enriched himself by deliberately destroying other businesses (like diapers.com, for one example) and putting millions (or more) of people out of work.
    He horribly mistreated his own workers, to increase his unprecedentedly, massive wealth.
    Now he pretends to be a good guy by donating to politicay correct groups, that dedicate themselves to promoting everything that G-d and his holy Torah, are against.
    This is like history’s #1 drug kingpin, Pablo Escobar who also made tens of billions off of the misery and suffering of millions of others who’s lives his drugs ruined, or who were murdered for opposing him.
    He too garnered favor and adoration frpm people he donated money to, like those living in the surrounding towns, where he lived.


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