A tish that was held on Zos Chanukah is going to be remembered as one of the most sublime and special tishen of the year.
The longer-than-usual tish was led by the Loitzker Rebbe, with special melodies played by an expanded orchestra.
During the tish, masses passed the Rebbe for hours and hours, with time given to each chossid to converse with the Rebbe for a lengthy period of time.
In recent years, a mass influx of people from all sectors of the chareidi world has begun to flock to the Zos Chanukah tish of the Loitzker Rebbe, with everyone receiving a special drink and a brocha from the Rebbe.
This year, the tish began with Mincha at 4:00 in the afternoon, followed by washing for the tish, and it ended in the morning. Before dawn, the lechayims ceased and the Chassidim bentched, followed by Maariv at 5:10 a.m. Kabbolas kahal then continued until 6:45 and Shacharis followed at 7:05 a.m.
{Matzav.com Israel}
Who wrote this PR piece? Good marketing for the Rebbeh.
All that jumping and dancing appeals to the younger demographic. What is the average age of attendees there?
How does one convert to Loitzker Hasidism?
I don’t know the average age of the attendees, but I can tell you that his chasiddim include not only many elder Karliner Chasiddim, but Chasiddim and non-chasiddim from ever demographic across the Torah-observant camp.
From 4:00 pm to 7:00 am is 15 hours. Gevaldig. He’s a brother of the Karliner Rebbe shlit’a from Givat Ze’ev.
First of all, they all benched BEFORE davenning Maariv at 5:15. Tisch over! ADDITIONAL kabbolas Kahala AFTERWARDS, followed by 7:05 Shacharis which was likely preceded by a mikveh. Ergo 13 not 15.
And his older brother, the Karlin-Stolin Rebbe, is the one who TOLD the Loizker to become a Rebbe.
No one had yeshiva or work to go to the next day???
May yes. Maybe no. But what is your point?
Why isn’t the Rebbe wearing his shtreimel?
It’s not Shabbos.
Because it’s neither Shabbos nor Yon Tov.
First understand what the rebbe shlita is all about avahas yisroel taking an interest in the other jews difficulties and then question
That is so true. He takes time with everyone as if there is nobody in the world except that person. He remembers everyone’s situation, checks in with them, etc. absolutely amazing!
Where is the Loitzker Rebbe locsted?