Whoopi Goldberg Claims the ‘Holocaust Wasn’t About Race’

Credit: Yad Vashem Photo Archives, Jerusalem.
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ABC’s The View took an uncomfortable turn on Monday when liberal moderator Whoopi Goldberg repeatedly insisted the Holocaust was not about race, prompting a heated discussion among the show’s roundtable, the Daily Beast reports.

Devoting one of the talk show’s “Hot Topics” to the recent controversy over Maus, the Pulitzer-winning graphic novel about the Holocaust, the hosts were largely in agreement that a Tennessee school board banning the book was silly given the content matter.

“I’m surprised that’s what made you uncomfortable, the fact that there was some nudity. I mean, it’s about the Holocaust, the killing of 6 million people, but that didn’t bother you?” a baffled Goldberg said.

The Oscar-winning actress said, “Well, this is white people doing it to white people. Y’all go fight amongst yourselves.”

While those remarks didn’t initially draw the ire of her co-hosts, a few moments later in the discussion, Goldberg revisited her suggestion that there was nothing racial about the Holocaust—which was set in motion by the Nazis over their belief in the Aryan “master race” and desire for racial “purity.”

After several hosts agreed that the recent conservative push to ban so-called “critical race theory” from schools is creating “confusion” and leaving kids unprepared for “the real world,” Goldberg shot back: “If you’re going to do this, let’s be truthful about it because the Holocaust isn’t about race. No. It’s not about race!”

Though Behar immediately noted that the Nazis considered Jewish people “a different race,” Goldberg continued to assert that Adolf Hitler’s “Final Solution” was not racial.

“What is it about?” Behar asked at one point.

“It’s about man’s inhumanity to man. That’s what it’s about,” Goldberg replied.

“But it’s about white supremacy,” co-host Ana Navarro retorted. “It’s about going after Jews and Gypsies.”

Goldberg, meanwhile, claimed that “these are two white groups of people,” prompting co-host Sara Haines to point out that “they didn’t see them as white” while Behar noted that the Nazis targeted Black people as well.

“But you’re missing the point! You’re missing the point,” Goldberg exclaimed. “The minute you turn it into race, it goes down this alley. Let’s talk about it for what it is. It’s how people treat each other. That’s the problem.”

She continued: “It doesn’t matter if you are Black or white because Black, white, Jews, Italians, everybody eats each other. So is it—if you are uncomfortable if you hear about Maus, should you be worried—should your child say, ‘Oh my God, I wonder if that’s me?’ No. That’s not what they’re going to say. They’re going to say, ‘I don’t want to be like that.’”



  1. She’s not ill-intentioned, but what she’s saying is beyond stupid and offensive. It’s like saying the KKK isn’t about race because we’re all members of the human race.

  2. Whoopi!

    Is the black lady with the Jewish last name forgetting that Hitler would have killed her twice. Can you imagine if a conservative said this nonsense!

  3. The_Holocaust would be bad if it didn’t target ALL Jews, but it did.

    Injustice is wrong regardless of race, but in this case, Hitler targeted an entire nationaity.

  4. Of course, she also acknowledges that slavery wasn’t at all about race.
    There were half-savages running naked all around Africa, and some well-meaning people helped them cross the ocean, free of change, guaranteed their employment upon the new shores, got them dressed, literate, and allowed them to succeed.
    If not for that, where would Whoopi be now, on some tree branch? How about Oprah, the black entertainment and sports millionaires, and would Barry have become the President?
    Therefore, forget your reparations, and appreciate what you have, Goldberg! Goldberg? Yea, sure.

  5. Will she get woked for her comments? I doubt it. Her skin color will protect her. To their credit I was shocked that the ADL didn’t come to her defense.

  6. I did not care. Whoopi is small upstanding.

    The ADL is drum gross. Turning every comment into stick grave worth is a riot.

  7. Left-Wing, Liberal Lunatic Whoopi Goldberg hates Conservative Republican businessman Mike Lindell, “The Pillow Guy” so much that she is starting a business in direct competition with him. “Whoopi Cushions!”


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