WHY THE PANIC? Omicron Hospitalization Risk Is Two-Thirds Lower Than Delta, Study Shows

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Infection with the omicron variant of Covid-19 is far less likely to land patients in the hospital than cases involving the delta strain, according to early study data out of Scotland.

The study suggests omicron is associated with a two-thirds reduction in the risk of hospitalization when compared to the earlier variant, though it’s also more contagious.

While booster doses offer greater protection against delta, a third shot also offers substantial additional protection against the risk of symptomatic infection for omicron, researchers found.

The study adds to other preliminary findings, including in South Africa, showing that the new strain is less likely to cause severe illness.

“Although preliminary, these national data should provide reassurance that omicron is substantially less likely to result in severe outcomes than delta,” the report said, adding that further studies are needed.

Yet the new strain also more contagious than earlier variants, leading to record daily case levels in the U.K. That could outweigh the benefit of lower severity, the researchers said.

Public health leaders have cautioned that other factors, such as higher numbers of people who are vaccinated or have previously had Covid, may complicate any comparison with previous points in the pandemic.

(c) 2021, Bloomberg · Naomi Kresge 



  1. Matzav editors have the most stupid headline additions. They think it’s smart but is really stupid. It’s not news when you spin it so blatantly. Do the math. If 6x more people are infected because it’s crazy infectious, then even if it’s 2/3 less dangerous it’s still going to put tons of people in the hospital.

    • Let me guess, you feel that the percentages being thrown out of us by various state governors and city elected officials, such as the fools in New York are okay? So when they give you percentages of 10 or 15% having China virus, you are okay with that because to you it’s a real number? When in reality the true number is far less than that, way less than 1%! All you have to do is do simple math.

  2. im a doctor
    this morning the er was overrun with covid patients
    ors are shutting down because staff are sick
    and you need to worry about the potential for long covid – maybe you wont die but chronic fatigue, memory loss
    and other problems are not something someone should hope to be zoche to

  3. The way the officials talk about it make sound much worse than it is. They talk about cases which is a misleading word which implies people getting sick. When they discuss cases they really mean people who have tested positive including those who are asymptomatic who aren’t sick. Remove those from your numbers and count only people who get sick and cases drop to very few.

  4. They should get early treatment and the hospitals would not be so full. We need to learn how to live and fight off the viruses and diseases that are around without mass hysteria. Treating early can help prevent many long covid effects. Everyone should be taking vitamins c, d this time of year as well as other immune supporting vitamins, lemon, garlic, etc. to help prevent getting sick and if they if they do get sick, they could fight it off better.


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