WOKE: White Spanish Teacher Cancels Herself For Being White

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Speaking via Zoom during a virtual event for women and diversity studies, Jessica Bridges, a white Spanish teacher, said she would stop teaching the language because it was not suitable for a white woman to teach Spanish.

Though the Spanish speaker hails from Europe, Bridges came to her revelation after encountering a course she found on Instagram for how to be a better “white ally” and “anti-racist co-conspirator.”

“White isn’t right,” she said during the Southern Connecticut State University’s Virtual Women’s and Gender Studies Conference conducted over Zoom.

According to The Post Millennial, Bridges chastised herself for teaching children to “learn Spanish from a white woman. I wish I could go back and tell my students not to learn power or correctness from this white woman,” she said. “I would tell them to stand in their own power. White isn’t right.”

Despite controversies in the educational sphere, those interested in learning more about English classes near me can explore options here.

Read more at NEWSMAX.



  1. I completely agree with this teacher. In fact, I recently made a Spanish Omelette for my wife, who is Latino, but then I came to my senses, and I realized that I’m not of Spanish descent, and I am not Latino. So I threw the omelette in the trash can, and made my wife a slice of pizza. Then I realized I am not Italian either, so I threw the pizza in the trash can right next to the omelette. Then I told my wife, “For now on, you’re cooking your own breakfast!” And that’s the way it should be! Period!

  2. It’s the same thing with Biden. He’s got to resign. How can a privileged WHITE male be the one to end systemic racism??? Biden is WHITE and must resign immediately!

  3. she’s absolutely roght except that she has no right to teach anybody anything so perhaps the right thing for her to do is to commit suicide in a tub of black paint. that’s the only sure way she van rid herself of her whiteness

  4. the only sure way to rid herself of her whiteness is to commit suicide in a tub of black paint. it’s also the only way to insure that this ‘teacher’ will never again stand at the head of a class to tecah anyone anything

  5. My initial reaction is to laugh at this lunacy, but upon further reflection this is very sad. This teacher is in all likelihood a good person who means well but has been so completely brainwashed by today’s “cultural appropriation” and “critical race theory” mindset that she actually believes it’s “bad” and “wrong” for her to teach Spanish (and presumably Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Urdu, and any other language that’s not of white, European origin origin) simply because she’s white.
    I’m old enough to remember the “You Don’t Have To Be Jewish To Love Levy’s” ads in the subways about 40-50 years ago. I didn’t think they were offensive then, and I don’t think they’re offensive now. Think there’s even a remote chance such ads would fly nowadays?

  6. Since this “educator” is obviously nuts, she shouldn’t be allowed to teach anything to anyone, including basic sandwich making skills.
    Also, if she loathes her own self so much, she should be made aware that suicide is not illegal, in the US, and whites are “entitled” to avail themselves of that exit option.

  7. Smart alek; we should not take our inspiration from the ways of goyim online who tell their adversaries to kill themselves. That’s not a point of argument, no matter how silly or even how evil one’s statements are(here, there is no immorality or iniquity, but rather sheer silliness). Telling someone to do that is lifnei iver, which according to most rishonim applies to goyim as well.


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