Almihan Seyiti had seen it all.
A woman believed to have lived to 135 years — the oldest recorded in history — died on Thursday, the NY Post.
The supercentenarian from Xinjiang in Western China, according to Daily Mail, claimed to be born on June 25, 1886, during the imperial Qing dynasty, and was officially declared the nation’s oldest living person in 2013 by the China Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics.
Seyiti died “peacefully” on Dec. 16, authorities reported, while surrounded by family. Married in 1903, she was said to have adopted a boy and a girl with her husband who passed away in 1976 while she went on to see six generations of descendants come to pass. She is survived by many, including 43 grand- and great-grandchildren.
Seyiti’s grandson and primary caretaker Kuerban Nuer said she was getting along well before she passed, riding each day at 10 a.m. to a day filled with music before bed around 11 p.m. He said, “When hearing music from the radio before sleep, her feet would move along with the rhythm.”
According to Almihan Seyiti’s ID card, she was born in 1886, but independent investigators have been unable to verify her birth date. Read more at the NY Post.
Yup. Another victim of the vaccines. If she would of just kept her immune system healthy and strong, thru natural vitamins and supplements, she could of lived till 200. The vaccine is what finished her off unfortunately.
Totally agree.
His was the longest human lifespan of all those given in the Bible, 969 years. According to the Book of Genesis, Methuselah was the son of Enoch, the father of Lamech, and the grandfather of Noah. Elsewhere in the Bible, Methuselah is mentioned in genealogies in 1 Chronicles and the Gospel of Luke.
Is that…………….Cool Hand Luke?
Cool hand Luke?
“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Great great classic film. One of the most iconic scenes of all time. Paul Newman was fantastic.
Dog years!!
Yes, according to HER, she was the oldest person alive. There is no documentation or any sort records to support that claim. Therefore, it is NOT recorded in history, at all.
Besides, there are many others both in China, and in Republic of Georgia, who CLAIM to be in their middle or upper 100’s, and still work their gardens, ride horses, and keep getting remarried, if only to satisfy their parents’ incessant demands.
As the Yiddish expression goes
קיין יונגערער זאל נישט שטארבען
Meshuselach (aka “Methuselah”) lived 835 years longer than her.
Moshe Rabeinu was born when his mother Yocheved was 130. Nu nu.
She looks exactly like my Tanta Ginensheh. I just saw her on Division Street in Williamsburg last week pushing her vegaleh. She was on her way back from the fruit stand on Lee Avenue.
Check if you Tanta Ginensheh is still around since last week.
Okay, will do.
The reason she lived so long is because she wore a tichel rather than sheitel.