Finance Minister Yair Lapid is being mocked on social media over a 2015 video claiming he was nearly killed during army service.
“They shot at me in Lebanon,” Lapid states in the video. “A Katyusha missed me by a few meters in Kiryat Shemoneh.”
To get at the truth, Yehuda Shlesinger, a political writer at Yisroel Hayom, asked Lapid point blank whether it was true he was shot at near Lebanon. Lapid turned to him blankly and said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re talking about… this is a question going back 40 years.”
In 2017, Lapid wrote that he was dismissed from serving in battle units at the end of his preliminary training after suffering a severe asthma attack. He then spent his three years in the army as a writer for its Bamachaneh magazine.
{Matzav.com Israel}
What’s the big deal? Joe Biden snuck his way out as well.
He’s a coward. He spent time in an office writing garbage. His father saw more action than he ever would or will.
A writer for Bamachaneh because of “protectsia” his anti-religious politico father .He didn’t even finish high school.
Why is he not wearing a mask?