Yeshiva Torah Vodaath: A Bastion of Torah and Halacha in the Heart of Brooklyn

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A 100-year-old institution evokes images of “outdated” and “past-its-prime.” However, for a visionary institution, accustomed to setting the standard of Torah education in America, efforts to not only stay relevant but lead, are its marching orders.

Yeshiva Torah Vodaath is Boruch Hashem, thriving. Its resurgence continues. In the two years since Horav Yitzchok Lichtenstein shlita became the Rosh Hayeshiva, alongside Horav Yosef Savitsky shlita and Horav Yisroel Reisman shlita, the Yeshiva has experienced unprecedented growth.

From the younger grades through Bais Medrash, the Yeshiva is bursting at its seams. Seventy-three children are registered in this year’s kindergarten, with three parallel classes through 6th grade. The new Bais Medrash, has attracted over 150 young, outstanding bochurim and yungerleit!

“There is tremendous excitement to have a place like this in Brooklyn, a high-level Bais Medrash on our own turf,” one resident sentiments.

The Kol Torah reverberates strong and true throughout the campus.

COVID-19 forced this historic Yeshiva to cancel the major fundraising events that sustain it. Yet despite it all, Torah Vodaath continues to grow, and its budget has increased dramatically to meet the growing need and opportunity for Torah learning.

Today, they are asking YOU to play a role in every talmid who becomes a leader: as a talmid chacham, Rav, Dayan or askan, who goes out into the world and contributes to ribui k’vod Shomayim.

Torah Vodaath is the future of yiddishkeit here in America.

Without your support, they cannot turn the page to the next 100 years of this storied Yeshiva.

This Yeshiva is not just historical, it is history in the making.

Help us build new generations of Torah leaders by donating HERE, DEC 27-28. For 36 Hours, all donations will be DOUBLED, helping the Yeshiva reach a necessary goal of $2,500,000.



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