Yeshivah Moreshes Yehoshua Dinner Tonight

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aaron-kotler1Yeshiva Moreshes Yehoshua, led by Harav Dovid Trenk, the veteran and beloved mechanech, is holding its inaugural dinner tonight at Toras Emes Hall, 1904 Avenue N in Flatbush, Brooklyn. Rabbi Aaron Kotler (seen at left), CEO of Beth Medrash Govoha, is the Guest of Honor. The dinner, campaign and journal chairmen are Gedalya Zlotowitz, Rocky Stefansky, Chaskel Bennet, Dovid Bloom, Aaron Rosenfeld and Mordy Schron.

Yeshiva Moreshes Yehoshua has earned acclaim for its accomplishments since its founding and the dinner tonight will pay tribute to a number of honorees and Rav Trenk, who has touched the lives of hundreds of talmidim in four decades of chinuch.

{Dovid Newscenter}


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