Yoely Friedman Begs: Please Get Life Insurance

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  1. i have been begging for this for a long time. every kallah teacher and every choson teacher and every rav should make it manditory as soon as one has his/her first child. obtaining life insurance when someone is in his/her twenties is VERY inexpenive.

  2. Totally accurate. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy that boro park yiddish, just awesome. I think g’spent was the best.

  3. Typical life insurance sales pitch. Yes, there is place for life insurance but not as this person is trying to push it.
    Who has an extra $150 for a “millions of dollars” policy??
    I’ve heard it all. They are trained to say this. Full stop.

    The community is “gedreeind” (drained) from unscrupulous scare tactic salesmen. Full stop.
    I spoke to someone in the line and they have billions in policy premiums amassed that are not used.
    The oilem is way, way over insured.

    Yidden are rachmunim and you can’t ever figure out the Rbsh”o ways or methods of helping people.

    • Are you out of your mind? Term life insurance is very affordable and should be on the top of anyone’s list of priorities!
      “Overinsured”? Check all the nebach ads lately.
      Why do you store your food in the refrigerator? The Rbsh”o has ways of making it not spoil….

    • Apparently you don’t understand what “Term” Life Insurance means. Maybe your chochom “in the line” can explain it to you.

    • It’s not scare tactics, it’s the sad reality of people who have the health and money to get insured and choose to ignore getting life insurance, leaving their spouses and loved ones with little to nothing from go fund me collections and other tzedaka organizations.

    • It’s not scare tactics, it’s the sad reality of people who have the health and money to get insured and choose to ignore getting life insurance, leaving their spouses and loved ones with little to nothing from go fund me collections and other tzedaka organizations.

      • Yes, that’s my point and thank goodness there are thinkers out there.
        The salesmen push you into $100+ per Month Term policies for “millions” of coverage when really simple hishtadlus for a struggling large family would require only $25 a month.

        Over-insured: Meaning the wealthy are way over-insured; for various purposes that I’m sure they deem important. If the policy payouts of the wealthy were used to fund 1,000+ policies of the non-wealthy we would have balance.

        The fact is all major insurers have tens or hundreds of billions of reserves

        People live longer today. Term policies accumulate as wealth and reserves for the insurers – not the insured.
        (There is a very real reason why Areivim was a suggested solution, notwithstanding any other issues it would encounter, it required payments be made to members only and if there was ch”v the need.)

        Life Insurance companies are solid and valued companies because of this bias of premium accumulation vs. payout.
        A typical 20 year term policy expires and that’s that. We live longer these days Be”H!

        Look at a simple chart of the percentage of people in the USA living past 65 years of age.
        We went from 65% in 1960 to, to 80% in 2018.
        (BTW, in Israel this number was at 90% in 2018 (!) so maybe a better investment would be to move there…)

        This just tells you that a wonderful 2 million dollar policy for $150 a month purchased at age 40 will most probably be happily expired without being used. $150 x 240 months = $36,000. That’s serious money!

        So, simply doing some hishtadlus on the 20% chance would require balancing a true emergency need — vs. a “living the life with millions in the bank if I die ch”v” scenario.
        $10 to $25 a month for a life raft ($100,000 – $400,000) should it be needed — or — spending beyond my means for something only the wealthy should be purchasing.

        I’d rather buy a lottery ticket.

      • Yup, yoily just made me a term policy for $500k $25 monthly payment. I have 3 children.
        Imyh when I’ll have more kids and more money I will make an additional policy.

  4. MORDY M:
    If as you say “The oilem is way, way over insured”.
    Then why these campaigns?
    Rabbosai hutz rachmonus take care of your families buy life insurance.

  5. Does the oiler know about areivim? It’s group in which everytime a member dies the family receives 100k per dependent.
    Every member is charged when someone dies. The max payment is 28$ per month.
    There was once another similar one but it shut down.

  6. A lot of these ads nebach are for people that had preexisting conditions, overweight etc. Not sure if life insurance would have been an option…

  7. Mordy M:

    If a person is told they may C”V Die the next day, how much coverage do you think he would buy? That is the amount of insurance he should have!!
    Of course life expectancy is till beyond when typical term policies expire. That is exactly the reason it’s so cheap!!!!! Hello?

    I have news for you. Some people, although a small percent, will die when they still have people that depend on them financially. If anybody feels guaranteed that you are not in that small percent, then go ahead and don’t buy insurance. Obviously, your insane and have no compassion for your wife and kids. But in the meantime, take and store some pictures of yourself surrounded by your kids, take a few pics with you hovering over a gemora. This will make the fundraising much easier, when the posters make it around social media and hung in should, should it ever get to it chas vesholam.

  8. Hello Pushita.

    I respect you and I hope you read my follow up post above. I do have insurance. But as a life boat, not a “sure thing”.
    There is a tremendous, humongous difference and the name calling only suggests you are an emotional person (like most of us are), not necessarily more thought out. Have a good Shabbos!

  9. To sum up:
    Think really hard if the extra money and effort you are spending on “life insurance” is truly necessary vs. a smaller policy that is there for an emergency only. Is the sole pressure you are getting to make a bigger policy from the agent? Did you speak to two other unbiased thought out individuals?
    $25 a month vs. $100+ a month. For many, MANY of our families this is a big difference and the money could go to better “living” expenses.

    You should all be well and healthy until 180 with health, wealth and nachas! Amen ky”r.


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