BMG Freezer to Open Tomorrow

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freezer-bmgAs many are aware, the “freezer” will be opening tomorrow at Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, NJ. Under the “freezer” rule, new bochurim during their first zeman in the Lakewood Yeshiva are not permitted to enter the parsha of shidduchim – i.e., they may not officially date – until Tu B’Shevat during the winter zeman or Shiva Asar B’Tammuz during the summer zeman.

[There is an exception, which is that if a bochur already started dating before the beginning of the zeman and his official entrance into BMG, he may continue to date that girl and that girl only.]

We wish all those in the parsha of shidduchim much bracha and hatzlacha. May you all find your respective ziviggum bekarov.

{Yossi Newscenter}


  1. altz zul zein b’sha’ah tova umutzlachas,
    all bachurim (and girls) should find their zivug hagun b’eeto u’b’zmano b’karov u’b’neikel
    may the shidduch crisis dwindle down to just a thing of the past.

  2. I especially want to wish success to the many girls who suspended dating three months ago by deciding to suspend dating and waiting for “the new crop” !!

  3. I think now is a good time to remind everybody that there is a concept of loshon hora, and just because a girl may not be for you there is no reason to say negative things about her to your friend. Everyone is entitled top their opinoins but keep them to yourself

  4. Traffic on Route 9 going to Brooklyn will be heavy as all the new daters will be leaving for their first dates. The Lounge at the Brooklyn Marriott is expecting an over flow crowd. Chelsea Piers has 2 bouncers at the door reminding these new young 1st timers that unless its their 3rd date they should not be there. It doesn’t Pas.

    REMINDER to all new daters. Take your keys, take your ez-pass, fill the car up with gas, only take your hat off after you have opened the door for your date, she is in the car and you both have your seat belts fastened.

    If the anticipated traffic is heavy call the Shadchan to inform the girls family you are running late, make sure she is home by 11:30, walk her to the door, and most important of all…..don’t text all your friends about your date while your driving back to Lakewood. Wait till you are back in the dorm.

    Keep in mind that while you are sure every girl is waiting for you to come out of the freezer and since you are such a great catch these poor girls are just plotzing to date you and they should feel honored that after the long list of names you chose them to be your first date…..still….if you get engaged within a week it will start rumors that you must have not waited till the freezer door opened and then the Shidduch may not be Chal:)

    Happy dating!

  5. Actually, this year being an iber yohr, the freezer doesnt open till Rosh Chodesh Adar Alef – as stated clearly on the shtar all bichurim had to sign at the beginning of the zman.

  6. to number 19

    the word freezer comes from the same place as “in towner” and “out of towner”, and people use it, and then it becomes an accepted phrase…

  7. I heard that some bochorim who want to be considered as “new” on the market reenter the frezzer Every year. The only way you will know that this bochor is b’emes new is if you clearly see that he has no idea what to do or where to go on a date!

  8. rav pam said over many times that one of the reasons a choson -kallah fast ” byom chupasam” is to be mechaper for all the boys & girls they were “metzaer” until they found theirs. we must all be more careful w/ “kavod habriyos”

  9. To 21,

    No problem. Just go to Flatbush and carjack a BMW.

    (For all leftist mindless windbags: I am not suggesting this for real rather as a joke, so let me be clear: the next carjacking is not my fault whether he read my comment or not. Just trying to make a disclosure in the name of ‘civilty’)

  10. This will do nothing to solve the “shidduch crisis.” A few hundred 22 year olds—that’s all we’re talking about– won’t even begin to make a dent in the population of girls ages 22-40, since the 22 year olds are too old (!) and the guys would never consider anyone that age or above.

    But I wish them all luck anyway.

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