Unending Challenges, Unbending Faith
By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
Eretz Yisroel is a nation fraught with disagreements, tragedies, and profound challenges. Since its inception, Israel has faced large and small...
Matzav Inbox: Our Unhealthy Obsession with Politics and Trump
Dear Matzav Inbox,
It is honestly astounding how the frum community has been swept up in the frenzy of politics, with so many putting all...
ALAN DERSHOWITZ: The Israel Hostage Deal Is Extortion
By Professor Alan Dershowitz, The Daily Caller
The decision by the Israeli government to make significant concessions to the Hamas kidnappers should never be called...
Sparks Amidst the Darkness
By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
This week, we begin the study of Seder Shemos, recounting the story of Yaakov’s descendants in Mitzrayim. First, we learn of...
Matzav Inbox: This Hostage Deal is an Utter Travesty
Dear Matzav Inbox,
It is an utter travesty that Israel, the only democratic nation in the Middle East, finds itself cornered into negotiating with Hamas,...
Pause Before You Post
Communicated by Misaskim
The call came while Simcha was driving his friend Moshe and his wife to a wedding. An unfamiliar number flashed on his...
Matzav Inbox: Lakewood, Are You Prepared for a Fire Emergency?
Dear Residents of Lakewood, NJ,
I hope this message finds you well. I would like to take a moment to express my deep appreciation for...
Matzav Inbox: Please Reconsider Your Yeshiva Week Trip to Los Angeles This Year
Dear Matzav Inbox,
For many Orthodox Jewish families, “Yeshiva Week” has become synonymous with travel. Families have become accustomed to take a mid-winter trip to...
Believe in Yourself
By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
With Parshas Vayechi, the fascinating sefer of Bereishis draws to a close. Without giving any detail about anything that went on...
Matzav Inbox: The Agudah Blows It Again
Dear Matzav Inbox,
Once again, Agudas Yisroel of America has completely missed the mark.
What do I mean?
Let’s talk for a moment about the 25th annual...
Matzav Inbox: The Cancerous Gvir Culture
Dear Matzav Inbox,
I’ve had enough. Enough of the unholy obsession with money that has overtaken our communities, enough of the idol worship of the...
Matzav Inbox: How Do We Deal With Gossipers and Baalei Lashon Hara?
Dear Matzav Inbox,
We must speak out about something that’s causing tremendous harm in our communities today: lashon hara, gossip, and even innocent-sounding innuendo.
The Chofetz...
Matzav Inbox: So Many Men Don’t Learn a Blasted Word
Dear Matzav Inbox,
I’ve been thinking for a long time about something that has been bothering me deeply, and I feel it’s time to address...
By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
This week, in Parshas Vayigash, Yosef breaks down and ends the charade he had been maintaining with his brothers. Each time...
Matzav Inbox: Follow-Up to the Torah Ugedulah Shmuess – The Sickness of Money in...
Dear Matzav Inbox,
I’m writing as a follow-up to the shmuess by Rabbi Klein on Matzav.com about Torah Ugedulah and the rampant opulence and overindulgence...
Light Up the World
By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
In the darkest days of the Holocaust, hundreds of talmidim from the Mir Yeshiva were saved through the selfless actions of...
Matzav Inbox: If You’re Buying $10 Donuts, You Had Better Be Paying Full Tuition
Dear Matzav Inbox,
I am writing in sheer disbelief at the absurdity of what has become of our community’s values, exemplified by the craze for...
Matzav Inbox: When Being Anti-Tzioni Becomes Your Avodah Zarah
Dear Matzav Inbox,
I have absolutely no problem with anyone holding a shitah that is anti-Tzioni. I understand fully the perspective of those who oppose...
Matzav Inbox: Is This How You Want to Be Remembered?
Dear Matzav Inbox
I hesitated to write this letter, but I can no longer sit idly by as I witness the tragic waste of time...
Flames of Faith
By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
The posuk (Bereishis 37:1) tells us, “Vayeishev Yaakov b’eretz megurei aviv b’eretz Cana’an — Yaakov lived in the land where his...