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Update: Exclusive – Shidduch List with Over 150 Names of Bochurim Creates Firestorm

Monday, May 25: A shidduch list released by an individual with the intent to help solve the shidduch crisis has caused somewhat of...

The Boro Park Meat ‘Scandal’ That Wasn’t

The Lessons, The Dangers, The Truth There are a number of lessons to be learned from the incident last night at a Boro Park eatery...

First Date 2.0: Groundbreaking ShidduchVision Project Aims to Ease Shidduch Crisis

JTA reports: A new effort based in Baltimore represents the latest attempt to address what is often described as a crisis of frum singles...

Yated Blasts Chovevei Torah for Ordination of Female Rabbi, Calls on YU, RCA &...

The American Yated Ne'eman has published its second extensive critique on Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, an institution that calls itself Orthodox but which the newspaper...

Assault On Authentic Orthodoxy Continues As Orthodox Woman Gets Title of ‘Rabbah’ Rather Than...

To understand the background of this story, we highly recommend that two prior reports about Chovevei Torah, here and here, be read. The following...

Members of Congress to Dirshu President: “We Stand Behind Chareidi Jewry in the United...

Members of Congress in Washington embrace the chareidi community: Throughout the year, the President of Dirshu, Rav David Hofstedter, is busy – beyond his...

“Shabbos, Shabbos”

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz Before there were religious newspapers, the Jewish media world was owned by the maskilim. It took some time before religious Jewry...

Rav Moshe Feinstein’s Heter of Cholov Stam Revisited

By Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer Rabbinic Coordinator, Orthodox Union Halacha states that milk which is produced without hashgacha (r'iyah of a Yisroel) is non-kosher; such milk is...

A Reader Writes: ‘The Learning Gap’ and Shidduchim

Dear Editor, There is an issue that is the root of many problems society is facing today. I call it the 'learning gap'. The average...

Solomon’s Voice vs. The Voice

Dear Editor, This past week I have received numerous e-mails and personal words of support after The Voice, a local magazine in Lakewood, granted Assemblymen...

It’s About Time: Holding Frum Websites – and Advertisers – Accountable

By Rabbi Yosef Shubert, Matzav.com It's a simple question: Is there accountability? When will so-called frum websites be held accountable for what they publish and report,...

Matzav.com Strongly Considering Removing Comments Feature Following Multi-Hour Meeting

The staff of Matzav.com held a lengthy meeting today to discuss the state of the website and to chart a course for continued growth...

A Letter to Mrs. Park

By Miriam Pearlmutter Mrs. Margaret Park, the mother of slain Officer Peggy Park, lives in my neighborhood and I was upset to hear that she...

A Reader Writes: A Shidduch Dilemma – Should I Continue?

Dear Editor, I have a serious shidduch quandary and since it appears that Matzav.com is the central place for shidduch-related discussions, I will present my...

Opinion: An Open Letter to Seminary Girls – Etiquette in Geulah

By Yeshiva Guy In a tradition dating back to the opening of the doors of the first seminary way back when in the fifties, the...

Historic Trip of Dirshu Delegation of Senior Gedolei Yisroel to Radin and Vilna

“What better eis ratzon, what more opportune time can we find to go to the Chofetz Chaim’s kever to daven? Now, we are on...

Conservative Rabbi Says Georgia’s Kosher Law is Unconstitutional Because it Favors the Orthodox

A Conservative rabbi in Georgia is challenging the constitutionality of his state's kosher law, saying it favors Orthodox religious standards and constitutes state entanglement...

It Has Arrived: New Hechsher for Jewish Music

You asked for it? You got it. A new committee in Eretz Yisroel has been formed to provide hashgacha on Jewish music. It is...

Tragic Petirah of Mordechai (Motty) Borger z”l

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Mordechai (Motty) Borger z"l, a 24-year-old newly married yungerman who passed away after...

Thousands Overwhelm Dirshu Testing Sites at First of Ten Monthly Kinyan Sheviis Tests

The first of the ten monthly tests in the Dirshu Kinyan Sheviis program during this shemitta year was held this past Cheshvan… and the...

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