Egged to Allow Anti-Chareidi Kadima Campaign Ads on its Buses

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egged-busEgged bus company said today that it has had a change of heart and will permit the Kadima party to advertise its campaign on its buses.

Many of the ads call for equal burden of national service, singling out the chareidi community which does not serve in the army.

Egged had first refused the Kadima ads, insisting that the ads instead use the term “those who do not serve” instead of “yeshiva students.”

Ron Ratner, spokesman for Egged, explained that at the request of MK Yochonon Plesner, Egged “decided to reconsider the matter in the hopes that passengers will be understanding and demonstrate tolerance for freedom of expression.”
The Kadima party had claimed on Thursday that both the Egged and Dan bus companies refused to advertise their election campaign signs featuring slogans for equal share of the burden.

The ads state that IDF soldiers receive only NIS 350 (about $95) a month, while yeshiva students receive NIS 3,400 (about $905) and “pay soldiers like yeshiva students.”

According to Kadima, the two bus companies refused to advertise the signs as they demanded that the words “yeshiva students” be switched by others.

Kadima had warned that if Egged and Dan did not retract, the party would turn to the Knesset’s Central Elections Committee and ask it to remove the other parties’ signs from the buses in order to maintain equal advertising.

{ Israel News Bureau}


  1. Israeli election season is almost as bad as the pagan winter season here in the West: we have to bear all kinds of incessant garbage assaulting our eyes and ears.

    Just go away…

  2. Now there’s an interesting advertising strategy.
    Does this mean that Kadima is suggesting to give avreichim 3,400 NIS a month instead of the 800 NIS they actually receive?
    (Non-Israelis actually receive closer to 550 NIS monthly).
    Don’t forget – soldiers also receive free transportation while avreichim are not even entitled to a student rate.

  3. 3400 NIS stipend per avreich?

    That’s actually an interesting advertising strategy.

    Does this mean that Kadima is suggesting to give avreichim 3,400 NIS a month instead of the 800 NIS they actually receive?
    (Non-Israelis actually receive closer to 550 NIS monthly).
    Don’t forget – soldiers also receive myriads of benefits free transportation while avreichim are not even entitled to a student rate.

  4. typo
    soldiers also receive myriads of benefits, e.g. free transportation while avreichim are not even entitled to a student rate,etc.

  5. Where on earth is Kadima getting their facts from?

    No yeshiva student in all of EY gets 3400 NIS from the government monthly. Kolleleit don’t get close to that much with the private stipend that the kollel gives plus the government money, either.

    I have no problem with their ads, as long as they can bring themselves to be honest: Be up front with the amounts, and go after the Israeli Arabs the same way you’re going after the chareidim.

    Or are they afraid they will lose all their leverage if they do that….

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