FIRST REPORT: United Healthcare Community Plan of New Jersey Rescinds Termination of CHOP

>>Follow Matzav On Whatsapp!<< has confirmed that United Healthcare Community Plan of New Jersey, which had terminated Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) as of July 1, has officially rescinded their termination. This will allow all patients who are part of United Healthcare Community Plan of New Jersey to receive coverage for services at the renowned medical center on Civic Center Blvd in Philadelphia.

This development was independently confirmed by with upper management of the hospital and those in the know.

This is a significant breakthrough, as United Healthcare is the only insurance currently accepted at CHOP, and the anticipated termination in 2-1/2 months would have greatly negatively affected from frum patients, especially those non-oncology patients who would not have receive a continuance of care.

Now, CHOP will remain in network for all United Healthcare Community Plan of New Jersey enrollees.

As reported prior by, Dr. Reuven Shanik terminated an agreement with United Healthcare Community Plan of New Jersey, affecting his 25,000 patients on the plan as of July 1.

{D. Newscenter}


  1. So Dr. Shanik, a huge advocate pro vaccine advocate, has 25,000 patients.

    Accrording to Blue Cross Blue Shield, they pay doctors $400.00 for fully vaccinated patients. that means that Dr. Shanik earned $10,000,000.00 on vaccinating Jewish children in Lakewood.

    He further tried, unsuccessfully, to convince Reb Chaim Kaneivski to force all jewish schools to expell jewish children that were not vaccinated. This also goes against the wishes of Reb Shmuel and Reb Malkiel.


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