Videos: GOP’s Iowa Debate Anything But Dull

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gop-debate-pawlenty-bachmann[Videos below.] The Republican presidential debate in Ames, Iowa, last night was anything but boring. Unlike past debates this cycle, the candidates weren’t afraid to take shots at each other and settle their differences out in the open.

The best back-and-forth of the night came from Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann and Tim Pawlenty, Minnesota’s former governor.

It started when Fox News host Christ Wallace recapped their history of spats over principles versus results. “Is she unqualified or just beating you in the polls?” Wallace asked, with a smirk on his face that suggested he knew exactly what kind of sparks were about to fly.

After a few pleasantries from Pawlenty, he went in for the kill: “It’s an indisputable fact that in Congress, her record of accomplishments and results is non-existent,” Pawlenty said. “That’s not going to be good enough for our candidate for the president of the United States.”

In her reply, Bachmann didn’t miss a beat. She turned straight to Pawlenty and pointed out that sure, he might have executive experience, but he used it to push for not-so-conservative programs such cap-and-trade, which increases the cost of energy, and a government mandate to buy health insurance. She also berated him for saying “the era of small government is over.”

“People are looking for a champion,” Bachmann said. “They want someone who’s been fighting.”

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has had trouble with his campaign and staff since he first stumbled out of the gate this election cycle. But when Wallace asked him about difficulties with the campaign — staffers fleeing left and right, skyrocketing debt — Gingrich refused to answer, and instead tried to use the question to attack the media.

“I took seriously Bret’s injuction to put aside the talking points,” Gingrich began, referring to a request from Fox New moderator Brett Baier at the beginning of the debate that the candidates not waste time with canned answers. “And I wish you would put aside the ‘gotcha’ questions.”

“I’d love to see the rest of tonight’s debate asking us about what we would do to lead an America that has a president that has failed to lead instead of playing Mickey Mouse games,” he said.”I think that there’s too much attention paid by the press corps about the campaign minutiae and not enough paid by the press corps to the basic ideas that distinguish us from Barack Obama.”

The rise of the tea party has breathed new life into the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, which states that all powers not listed in the Constitution should be left unto the states. But Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, a staunch social conservative, is fed up with it.

“This is the Tenth Amendment run amok!” Santorum declared, referring to suggestions from other candidates to allow states the right to set their own marriage policy. “We have Ron Paul saying, ‘oh, whatever the states want to do under the Tenth Amendment, that’s fine.’ So if the states want to pass polygamy that’s fine. If the states want to impose sterilization, that’s fine. No. Our country is based on moral laws, ladies and gentlemen. There are things the states can’t do. …We are a nation that has values. We are a nation that was built on a moral enterprise. But states don’t have the right to tramp over those because of the Tenth Amendment.”

In the following video, Rick Santorum says the 10th amendment doesn’t give states the right to do anything they want because he says this country is based on moral law:
[media id=1231 width=400 height=300]
In the following video, Pawlenty and Bachmann trade shots:

In the following video, Former speaker of the House Newt Gingrich takes issues with Chris Wallace’s question:

Tim Pawlenty will cook you dinner:

{The Ticket/ Newscenter}


  1., only the first video is up.

    Moderator responds:

    You are incorrect. All the videos are up, but the Santorum one is the only video hosted on our server. Your filter may be precluding you from watching the others, which are hosted by a different site.

  2. I agree with #2, get lost. I am sick of the mentality of erasing modest women from our history. Yesterday I read a beautiful biography of Reb. Vichna Kaplan in a magazine and they had the nerve not to show what she looked like. Can’t they show a picture of an elderly, deceased lady? Why not give ladies chizuk as to how a frum lady presents herself? It is an insult to all of us.

  3. The point here, is Matzav’s hypocrosy! They won’t Chas Vishalom show a picture of Sarah Palin but Hillary & Bachman is ok?! Why?

  4. Please clarify your point. How does your link explain how ALL pictures of women should be eliminated from the view of men?

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