Hikind Asks Boro Park, Midwood Libraries To Open On Sundays

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booksNew York – Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) is hoping to get local public libraries to remain open on Sundays to better serve the communities they are in. Currently, Boro Park and Midwood libraries are closed on Sundays, while several remain open on Shabbos.
Recently, Assemblyman Hikind discussed the matter at length with Linda E. Johnson, President & CEO of the Brooklyn Public Library, which oversees all local branches. The Assemblyman explained that there are thousands of community children who attend yeshivas six days per week, and that even yeshiva students who go five days per week still attend school for much longer hours than public school children.
“The majority of my constituents would benefit from Sunday hours, as opposed to Saturday hours,” the Assemblyman explained. “Since the libraries are meant to best serve the communities they are in, the simple solution would be to close Saturdays and open Sundays. But that’s a difficult budget situation for the City because library employees working on Sundays get paid overtime, whereas on Saturdays they are paid regular wages.

“But there’s a solution: We’d be happy with just three hours of Sunday library access. They can take back five hours on a Saturday and stay in the black.”

While it may difficult, the Assemblyman was told that the Brooklyn Public Library will sincerely look it.

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  1. My father was a library director in Maryland from 1959 to 1993. One of the accomplishments of which he was most proud was getting some of the libraries to open on Sundays.

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