Israeli Activist Against Facebook: ‘You’ve Got Blood on Your Hands’

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rotem gezBy R. Blum

The building that houses Facebook’s Israel headquarters was spray-painted with anti-terror signs late Motzoei Shabbos, Israel’s Channel 2 reported on Sunday.

The graffiti – including a red palm with the words “blood on your hands” — was part of a campaign initiated by Rotem Gez, one of many Israelis appalled by the social media giant’s failure to remove pages encouraging the murder of Jews and Israelis.

Gez attributes Facebook’s lack of response to the growing number of complaints about the proliferation of blatantly antisemitic pages and posts, which openly incite Arabs to take to the streets and slaughter Jews, to its satisfaction with the traffic that such buzz generates. “The more noise there is, the longer people remain on the site, and that translates into money,” Gez told Channel 2.

Gez, who defaced the building in the middle of the night with another activist, said, “We decided to do this because you can’t write on Facebook’s [virtual wall – so we transferred out protest to its actual, physical wall” of its offices on Rothschild Boulevard in Tel Aviv.

Gez said he intends to police this issue, and expressed hope that his nocturnal operation, which could get him in trouble, will lead to the removal of the incitement pages from Facebook.

Meanwhile, as was covered in these pages on Thursday, Shurat HaDin-The Israel Law Center is on the verge of filing a class-action suit against Facebook in California, after launching a petition urging as many users as possible to join, free of charge.

On her way to the United States as she continued to gather signatures on the petition, Shurat HaDin founder attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner refuted the claim that it is difficult or impossible for Facebook to rid itself of such pages, due to the volume of traffic.

“It is ridiculous to say that Facebook cannot monitor these things,” she told The Algemeiner. “Notice its millions of algorithms that know exactly what you like to wear and eat, who your friends are, what music you’re interested in, etc. How else do ads aimed specifically at you mysteriously appear in your feed and on the side of the page? If it’s got algorithms for consumer purposes, it can have algorithms for other purposes, as well.”


{ Israel}


  1. I don’t get this. It’s the volume that is the issue? How does this relieve facebook of the responsibility of keeping their sites clear of incitement? And what if they are out golfing the entire day and therefore can’t stop the incitement, What do I care what their excuse is? Since when does an excuse justify incitement! Does the excuse bring back anybody that was killed by facebook supported incitement! They are an accessory! They should be ordered to “find a way to block the incitement, or close shop!”

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