Jack The Ripper Was Jewish Immigrant From Poland, Book Claims

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jack-the-ripperThe infamous Victorian-era London serial killer Jack the Ripper was a Jewish barber from Poland, a new book on the 125-year-old mystery claims.

Russell Edwards, author of the book and a self-confessed “armchair detective,” claims that Aaron Kosminski, a 23-year-old Polish-Jewish immigrant, was “definitely, categorically, and absolutely” the man behind the grisly murders of five women in London in 1888.

“I’ve got the only piece of forensic evidence in the whole history of the case,” Edwards said, The Guardian reported. “I’ve spent 14 years working on it, and we have definitively solved the mystery of who Jack the Ripper was.”

Edwards said that a blood-stained shawl he bought in 2007, originally taken from the crime scene of one of Jack the Ripper’s victims, contained DNA evidence that eventually led him to Kosminski, who had been questioned by London police during their search for the killer.

Kosminkski and his family moved to England in 1881 and lived in the Mile End district of East London. He was eventually admitted to several “lunatic asylums” and died in 1899 of gangrene.


{Matzav.com Newscenter}


  1. Last time around it was supposed to be the Prince of Wales or some other royal. The time before that it was a medical student. People find this too interesting to let go of. Who/what will it be next time?

  2. Great, something else for them to hold against us. They’ll probably think they were “ritual murders”. Oy! Why can’t some people leave well enough alone?

  3. Hard to imagine that this is true, but genetic evidence may be accurate. Israel has indeed had its monsters. Look no further than recent events. (Palestinian teen burned). But I would suggest that Hashem knows the real answers and if it was a yid, we should give more to charity. Hopes are that it will never happen again. Terrifying.

  4. you do, you read it and even commented.

    There are many sited that live off people like you, they don’t care if you say who cares and this is stupid, as long as you keep reading it, they will keep printing/posting it.

  5. The so called evidence is completely unreliable
    and will no doubt be exposed. In the meanwhile you are contributing to the trend of blaming Jews for everything

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