Wishes All Yidden a Gemar Chasimah Tovah

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gemar-chasimah-tovahOn this eve of Yom Kippur, we at would like to wish you and your families a gemar chasimah tovah. We hope and pray that this year will be one of great yeshuos for all of Klal Yisroel and that we will merit the geulah during this year, 5774. At the same time, we pray that Hakadosh Boruch Hu continue to watch over us and protect us from the unspeakable dangers that lurk across the world. And we pray as well that the thousands of Yiddishe neshamos who are so far away from the Torah path find the light and draw closer to their heritage and the One Above.

We wish you all a meaningful fast and that all your tefillos will be accepted On High, letovah.

Once again, a gemar chasimah tovah to you and yours.


The  staff


  1. BS”D
    Discussion with Moishe’la (with his family)
    A Handicapped child
    Tishrei 9 ’5774 (Sept 13 ’13)

    “Kapparos of ???”?”

    Tatti: Moishe’la you were so happy when you left to go to Kapparos this morning, and you were so happy when you came back, but then you laid down and started to cry. Why?

    Moishela: I saw the live chicken and saw the chicken after it was Shechted. I saw it laying in a pool of blood and I felt that this is a warning of all the violence that will be in the world this year. ???”? will bring the worst of the Rishus (evil) to the surface. I know that it is all for the good but still it is very frightening.

    It is just like the chicken after the Shechita. You see its lifeless body and its blood staining the ground. One’s heart goes out to the poor dead animal and you feel depressed. But that chicken was killed according to the laws of kashrus that were brought down and given to Am Yisrael at Har Sinai in our Holy Torah. It then becomes a nourishing meal for a Tzaddik who makes a Brocha on it to thank Hashem before and after he eats the chicken.

    Really that chicken that looked so gruesome just a short time before, that was killed in a seemingly harsh way, comes back to life with a Brocha and having the Zechus of being the food that sustains a Tzaddik or even a simple Jew. Such a chicken never really dies; it just takes on a new form. It changes its worldly disguise to a spiritual form.

    Now that I said all that, I can also say that when I was looking at the dead chicken I felt that ???”? will be a very difficult year.

    I plead with Am Yisroel please do Teshuva NOW! Throw away all your stupid toys, throw away your silly pass times. Live only to do your Creator’s will. Love your fellow Jew, and don’t wish him harm.

    All Yidden Frum, or not, that cause harm to their fellow Jews, that have jealousy and hatred in their hearts for their own kind, those Jews who participate in actually being Malshinim (informers to the authorities) or just physically getting pleasure from seeing fellow Jews hurt or dishonored, those Jews whoever they are, whether they are important people of the community or lesser people, they are not Jews. They are Erev Rav.

    So I beg all true Jews, Jews that can have love in their hearts for their fellow Jews, do Teshuva NOW! Discard all excess Gashmius, build a true Jewish home where the husband is an Oved Hashem and an Ohev Yisroel and a Baal Chessed and one that learns Torah, where the wife is a true Tzniusdik Eshes Chayil and the children are Temimusdik, sweet, Erlich, well behaved, and truly believing in Hashem. That is a true Jewish home, a true Bais Hamikdosh Mi’at.

    Come back Am Yisroel.

    When I looked at the dead-lifeless chicken I became very sad. But then I realized that the chicken gave its physical life in order to sustain the Tzaddik. The chicken still exsits but in a much higher form .And we human beings too will live on Be’ezeras Hashem.

    We won’t need to be Shechted if we are ready to sacrifice our whole selves to the will of HaKodosh Boruch Hu. This living Al Kidush Hashem, this changing of our physical form to a more spiritual one, will prove that our Neshomos are the Neshomos of the Jews that stood at Har Sinai. And those so-called Jews that do not do Teshuva in such a way, will be Shechted like the chickens, but not in Kedushah, and they will just disappear. Their carcasses will be thrown to the dogs and will be food for the Sitra Achra.

    Excuse my graphic descriptions, but too few people are waking up. Maybe this will help some people do something right now to come back to the truth so their suffering will be much less in this coming year.

    ???”? will, Bezeras Hashem, bring the whole world through a most difficult time but will clearly reveal the road that will bring Be’ezras Hashem all Am YIsrael to the Geula Shelaimah.

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