Mayor Michael Bloomberg 10th On Forbes 400 Richest Americans List

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bloombergBill Gates is still the wealthiest man in America. However, Mayor Michael Bloomberg isn’t too far behind.

The 30th annual Forbes 400 ranking of the Richest Americans was released Wednesday. 120 New Yorkers in total made the list – 53 from The Big Apple.

According to Forbes, the average net worth of a Forbes 400 member is $4.2 billion, up from $3.8 billion in 2011. This is a record high, according to the publication.

The following are a few notable New Yorkers who made the list.

10: Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Bloomberg LP, whose worth is $25 billion.

26: Ronald Perelman, Leveraged buyouts, $12 billion.
36: Rupert Murdoch, News Corp., $9.4 billion.

46: Samuel Newhouse, Conde Nast, $7.4 billion.

52: Ralph Lauren, $6.5 billion.

128: Donald Trump, Real estate & TV, $3.1 billion.

190: Mortimer Zuckerman, Real estate & media, $2.4 billion.

271: Barry Diller, IAC, $1.8 billion.

347: Sean Parker, $1.3 billion.

360: Peter Peterson, Blackstone Group, $1.2 billion.

Read more at CBS LOCAL

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  1. whats his money worth if it just sits?

    i.e. if a yid wants to invest, dont invest in Madoff, madoff got mad & fell off. if you want to invest then invest in Tzedaka (charity) its an eternal investment & can’t go bad & you don’t need to call wall street everyday, you know it went up in value.

    Whats a persons money worth in the olam Haemes? (true/next world) its not even worth counterfeit, its worthless, (what are your children going to do with it to help you? give money l’zecher nishmas to tzedaka?)

    BOTTOM LINE? give it away in this world to tzedaka & then you keep it forever & take it with you to the olam Haemes.

    Fortune am i that i learnt this many years before i retired. & i hope you become fortunate too

  2. Bl$$mberg wasted his money & his life by forfeiting the oppertunity to give Tzedaka to Torah worthy causes! He gave his money to support all politicians who supported same gender marriage! This angered Hashem tremendously! To his credit, he did plant a tree in Israel! Donald Trump, who is not Jewish, gave a velt of money to Torah worthy causes. I know this for a fact because I’m involved with a particular Torah Org that he is a board member of. He gave millions of dollars from his own pocket to the Organization. There are rightous Goyim.

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