Meshulach’s Father Passes Away, Can’t Afford to Fly Back to EY

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capitol-hotelA meshulach staying in Lakewood, NJ, was informed that his father passed away on Monday. Because of his dire financial situation, he is unable to afford a plane ticket back to Eretz Yisroel, so he is sitting shivah in Lakewood at the Capitol Hotel, where he has been staying. He is in room number 118.

[The Capitol Hotel in central Lakewood offers rooms to meshulachim for a nominal fee.]

 All those who wish to partake in a mitzvah may go to be menachem avel this fellow Yid.

The Capitol Hotel is located at the corner of Madison Avenue and Seventh Street.

May we only share besuros tovos.

{ Newscenter}


  1. this is sad what killal yisroel is one how come we cant give money so this yid cane go back and sit shiva with his family like a mench

  2. I’m not sure why people can’t collect 1500 dollars so he can go back – there are enough people in Lakewood. Wasn’t he planning to go back at some point? How was he going to do it then?

  3. vey, vey, with all the money that we BH have, could no one step up and give the guy a ticket to the levaya of his father….. Hamakom Yinacheim…..

  4. I don’t think he would have made it in time to his fathers Levaya because in Yerushalim they’re makpid to bury a niftar right away.

  5. and hasn’t raised enough money yet… presumably he has one return ticket, but then not enough money to get back again to raise for his needs that he came for in the first place…. makes sense? It’s not a question of raising the 1000 for the ticket, it’s that if/when he raises the 1000 he obviously has a great need for it elsewhere in his life!

  6. Paying a ticket for him to sit shiva with his family would be a wste of money. Flying home for the levaya would’ve been another matter.

  7. Beware. Our community has suffered the chagrin of falling for a very similar case and it turned out to be just a hoax fund raising stunt. i dont say it is but please be ware…

  8. he obviously did not have a game plan to go back
    alot of these people only make in america to cover their ticket dont understand why they come
    you get 10 or 20 a night each with the same story about chivas etc

  9. instead of wondering why or how people have not raised money for this man, and if it bothers you so much, why dont you go personally do something about it? give the money yourself, and if you dont have it then try to collect it. I think its a problem in todays world. Myself included, many of us talk about all the problems in people or society but few of us actually go and do something about it

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