MK Maklev: Let Hatzalah Aid Members Carry Guns

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uri-maklevDeputy Knesset Speaker MK Uri Maklev of Yahadus Hatorah said Sunday that volunteers of the United Hatzalah organization should be allowed to carry weapons, Arutz Sheva reports. In a letter to Public Security Minister Yitzchok Aharonovich, Maklev said that allowing the volunteers to carry such weapons would increase security for Israelis.

“In light of the tense situation these days and the difficulties around us, as terror attacks against innocent civilians increase, United Hatzalah members should also be carrying weapons,” Maklev wrote. Doing so, he said, would place them in the same category as Magen David Adom volunteers, who are allowed to carry weapons, Arutz Sheva reported.

“United Hatzalah members are deeply involved in their communities, which are usually densely populated, and they are available at all times,” he said. “They are often the first to arrive at a scenario and provide first aid and to save lives during the aftermath of terror attacks.”

{ Israel}


  1. Where I live guns have become permissible and crime has dropped like a rock
    The Arabs have to know who carries and who doesn’t

  2. They absolutely should carry guns. They are the first ones at the scene & often cant start saving people, because terrorists are still at loose.

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