Mr. Baruch Hollander z”l

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candle-small6It is with great sadness that we report the untimely passing of Mr. Baruch Hollander of Chicago, Illinois. Mr. Hollander, was a son of Mr. Avrom Aber Hollander and his wife, ybl”c Mrs. Rose Hollander of Boro Park.

Mr. Holander was a noted philanthropist and supporter of Torah institutions, and a staunch Munkatcher chossid/ He was from the most prominent supporters of Munkatcher mosdos in New York and in Eretz Yisroel and maintained a close relationship with the Munkatcher Rebbe.

The niftar is being flown to Boro Park where the levaya will take place in front of the main Munkatcher Bais Medrash at 4706 14th Avenue at 2:15 p.m. today.

Yehi zichro boruch.

{Noam Newscenter}


  1. BD”H: a tremendous loss for the Chicago community and the Munkatch Kehillos worldwide. A noble person with a tremendous heart.

  2. We were stunned and terrified at Burech’s sudden departure in the prime of life and activity Leolom Shekulo Tov.

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