New Era for the Kosher Traveler: HamasbiaCanada Kosher Airline Food

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mkAs the kosher traveler grows ever more discerning, the demand for meals that meet the highest standards of traditional kashrus, even without compromising on freshness, aesthetics and taste, is constantly on the increase. As such, the recent launch of a new dimension in Kosher airline food, HamasbiaCanada, has been greeted with satisfaction by discriminating Kosher consumers.

The new venture brings together Cara Airline Solutions, one of North America’s largest airline caterers, based in Toronto, and Hamasbia Foods of Israel. Hamasbia brings their experience, expertise and familiarity with the Kosher market to Cara’s state-of-the art culinary facility in Toronto, where meals will be prepared under exclusive MK Mehadrin certification.

The MK (Montreal Kosher) certification has become synonymous with the highest level of Kashrus, recognized throughout the Kosher world. Hamasbia Canada joins the other international brands as part of the MK family.

Hamasbia Foods of Israel is world renowned for their quality meals which are manufactured to the highest standards of Kashrus, whilst bearing the prestigious certification of the Badatz Eida Hachareidus in Yerushalayim. Over the past few days, a team of Rabbis, engineers, as well as food and design professionals have been working assiduously to ensure that this new label will satisfy the high expectations of the airline clientele. The menu plans include meat, dairy, pareve and fish options, each one prepared with the sensitivities and values of the Kosher consumer in mind.

The MK is enthusiastic about entering into this project with Cara Airline Solutions & Hamasbia Canada, who have already proven their sincerity and commitment to the Kosher consumer. The MK’s Rabbanim, led by Rabbi Weiss, the Av Beth Din, Rabbi Lerner, the Belzer Dayan, Rabbi Posen and Rabbi Bell travelled to Toronto, to work hand in hand with company representatives in overseeing the detailed process of establishing a magnificent and well-run Mehadrin Kosher kitchen. The Rabbanim were most impressed by the efficiency and competence of Cara and Hamasbia staff, who invested the extraordinary effort and time in the process.

HamasbiaCanada will be the Kosher food choice for travelers on many airlines, including El Al and all Air Canada flights departing from Eastern Canadian airports, with the MK Mehadrin stamp meeting the standards of the highest common denominator in Kosher consumers. This exciting new development opens the door to many other joint ventures, including Kosher food outlets certified by the MK in Canadian airports.

{Dovid Bernstein for Newscenter}


  1. okay, how much were you paid for this ad?

    Is it so hard to state that this is an ad?

    No one is fooled anyway and you are just harming you’re credibility.

  2. As someone who sits on an El Al flight approx. once a week, and has to endure the mediocre Hamasbia meals (that is a flattering description), I can only hope that the new Hamasbia in North America will be better than the existing one in Israel.
    Anyone who has tasted the Hermoli’s meals knows that it is possivble to produce a tasty glatt kosher meal. The problem is that whenever there is a monopoly, as in the case of Hamasbia, quality and the consumer will suffer.

  3. Why can’t we get meals with a good hechsher from Toronto? I go to Europe often and the way there I always have to shlep my own food. If the Cara kitchen lost the COR, then it really must be shvacheh maises, and for a flimsy hechsher like the MK to take over, even with all the mehadrin bull, really proves the point.

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