NY Post Reports On Bugs in Salmon Tumult

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salmonThe following report appears in the New York Post: A group of ultra-Orthodox rabbis is waging a schmear campaign against a staple of the Jewish diet: lox. Smoked salmon should no longer be considered kosher, they say, because the fish often contain parasitic worms.

But some Jewish New Yorkers aren’t taking the lox-down lightly.

“What is a bagel and cream cheese without the lox? It’s nothing,” kvetched Josh Loberfeld, 29, of Riverdale, a regular at the Mr. Bagel eatery near his Bronx home.

The ban was announced last month when a small group of rabbis decided that a tiny parasitic worm, called anisakis, rendered its host fish nonkosher.

But many Orthodox rabbis are blasting the group for hysterics.

“This issue has been resolved in Jewish law for hundreds of years already,” said Rabbi Moshe Elefant of the Orthodox Union.

{NY Post/Matzav.com Newscenter}


  1. as i always say, i was and havent ever been a fan of lox or any fish besides tuna fish and gefilte fish..i just hope that they dont find anything wrong with tuna and gefilte fish..

  2. This is interesting but it would behoove Matzav to ask a reputable posek and add that to this article. What are we supposed to do with this information? Pasken like the the NY Times?

  3. #1: Give ’em time; they will.

    Reminds me of the old Rechnitzer Rejects song: “Machmir dis und machmir dat.”

  4. I really don’t like it when our Halachic issues show up in non Jewish papers. Why is it the goyims business? We always come off like backwards extremists. A goy understands about parasites making fish unkosher?

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