Operation Pillar of Defense: Summary of Events

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idf-soldierOn November 14, in response to incessant rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip, the IDF launched a widespread campaign against terror targets in Gaza. The operation, called Pillar of Defense, had two main goals: cripple terror organizations in the Gaza Strip and defend Israelis living under fire. Here’s a summary of the events which took place during the operation.

The operation opened when the IDF surgically targeted Ahmed Jabari, head of Hamas’ military wing in the Gaza Strip. Jabari was directly responsible for executing terror attacks against Israel in the past.

During the next eight days, the IDF targeted more than 1,500 terror sites across the Gaza Strip. The sites that were targeted were positively identified by precise intelligence over the course of several months.

Top-ranking Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists who were targeted included:

  • Ahmed Jabari, head of Hamas’ military wing – targeted on November 14
  • Hab’s Hassan Us Msamch, senior operative in Hamas’ police – targeted on November 15
  • Ahmed Abu Jalal, Commander of the military wing in Al-Muazi – targeted on November 16
  • Khaled Shaer, senior operative in the anti-tank operations – targeted on November 16
  • Osama Kadi, senior operative in the smuggling operations in the southern Gaza Strip – targeted on November 17
  • Muhammad Kalb, senior operative in the aerial defense operations – targated on November 17
  • Ramz Harb, Islamic Jihad senior operative in propaganda in Gaza city – targeted on November 19

For the first time ever – Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups fired long-range rockets,such as the Fajr-5, toward Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Though the IDF severely damaged the terrorist organizations’ long-range rocket arsenal, more than 3.5 million Israelis are still under the threat of Hamas’ rocket fire.

Throughout the operation, the IDF did everything that it could to minimize harm to civilians in Gaza. Despite the IDF’s warnings, Hamas urged Palestinian civilians in Gaza to ignore the IDF warnings.

During the eight days of the operation – and in the weeks leading up to it – life was unbearable for more than 3.5 million Israelis. From November 14 to November 21, Palestinian terrorist groups fired more than 1,506 rockets at Israel.

Of those 1,506 rockets fired from Gaza, more than 800 rockets struck Israel, damaging homes, schools and other civilian areas. Some of rockets reached the Tel Aviv and Jerusalem areas.

421 rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome, which saved countless Israeli lives. 152 rockets fired from Gaza crashed back into Gaza.

Despite the IDF’s best efforts to protect everyone in Israel, five Israeli civilians were killed due to rocket fire, while an additional 240 Israeli civilians were injured. In addition, Cpl. Yosef Fartuk, 18, from Emmanuel, was killed on November 20 by a rocket fired from Gaza into Israel.

Since Hamas seized power in the Gaza Strip in 2007, the terrorist group has turned the coastal area into a forward base for Iran. The IDF is determined to continue targeting sites that are used to carry out terror attacks against Israel and its citizens.

{Matzav.com Israel News Bureau}


  1. BS”D

    Discussion with Moishe’la(and his family)Part 9
    A handicapped child
    7 Kislev 5773 (Nov 20’12)

    It has been a very very hard day for all here in Eretz Yisroel. There have been many attacks on cities, villages, Moshavs in the South, rockets in Yerushalayim area, and Ashkelon Ashdod etc.

    We’re under siege, and still Hashem has made unbelievable Nissim happen. When you consider that probably over a thousand missiles have been shot into Israel, and of course every Yid that was killed is an important person, still the casualties have been unbelievably low. Mamash a Ness! And many people are reporting unbelievable Nissim. Whole families in apartments that blew up and everyone walked out unscathed. And this type of thing has happened a few times. As much as the Arabs fire rockets at us, still comparatively they have done very little damage. True, houses have been blown up, but its still much less than the damage that was done with Sandy.

    We can see clearly that Hashem is guiding us, trying to give us a message, and the message of course is “my children come back to Me. My sweet Yiddishe children come back to Me, leave the Egel HaZahav and come back to Me, leave all the stupidities of the Olam Hazeh and come back to Me. Because if not it’s going to get much worse, Hashem Yishmor.”

    Now they’re speaking of a ceasefire, but they aren’t speaking to the Israelis. They are speaking to each other the American’s the Arabs, the Europeans, and they will let us know what they want Israel to do. They will bring us to the table and give us a pen and say sign. Of course ceasefires like that will only last a short time and we all know that the Arabs are notoriously known for breaking ceasefires. Usually what happens is, the Israelis keep the ceasefire meticulously, and the Arabs launch a few missiles here, a few there, but that’s not counted. The Israeli government doesn’t count it, and no other government counts it. It’s as if nothing has happened. However Am Yisroel is very angry about the situation and they have been demonstrating because they know if you don’t finish the job now then it won’t be finished. It will continue. The only problem is that most Yidden are wrong and everybody is seeing this not correctly. Hashem has sent the Americans or the Europeans or the English to force Israel into a battle; to force Israel into a battle that she can win only by a huge Ness and both Edom and Yishmoel want to take over Eretz Yisroel.

    I’m warning you Am Yisroel. People from the outside have great designs planned for Eretz Yisroel, Hashem Yishmiranu. They don’t like Jews. We’re not Israelis, we’re Jews, and they hate Jews and they want Eretz Yisroel. They want it to be the center of their satanic religion. They want to show HaKodosh Boruch Hu that they are in charge or that their so called Moshiach is, really going to come to Eretz Yisroel and rule. But Hashem will not let them rule. We’re going to have a very hard time until Moshiach Tzidkainu will come and rescue us.

    We have to rescue ourselves. We first have to do Teshuva, so that this hard time that’s coming upon us, will pass by with Rachamim. I told you it’s like a tunnel. We’re already in the middle of the tunnel and the door behind us is closing and the light is getting dimmer and dimmer, and we’re going forward deeper into the darkness. The darkness is still not as dark as it’s going to be. It’s going to be so dark that we’ll see nothing, nothing in front of us, nothing behind us. We won’t know where behind is and where in front is. We are going into total darkness.

    Am Yisroel make it easy on yourselves. Am Yisroel, save yourselves much trouble. Save yourselves suffering. Come back to HaKodosh Boruch Hu. Those who are very far, keep Shabbos. Keep all the basic Mitzvos. Say Shema Yisroel in the morning and at night. Wash your hands (with a washing cup) when you get up in the morning and say Modeh Ani keep Taharas Hamishpacha and put on Tefillin. Get close to HaKodosh Boruch Hu. You’re not going to have another chance. Those who are supposedly close to HaKodosh Boruch Hu, dig down inside of yourselves and know what you have done wrong. Know that you’re on the wrong track and straighten it out. We’ve been wayward children, and Hashem loves us, and Hashem wants to bring us back. He is trying to show us how much He loves us with Nissim, so many

    Nissim. And in America so many people have forgotten Sandy already, and so many people want to go back to their parties, but Am Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel don’t be like the Americans. Be better, be closer. Please I beg you, we should not have to go through more suffering than necessary. Please, please, I beg you. I beg you, come back, because if you come back it will be so much easier. It’s going to be hard. Believe me we’re going to go through Gehenom, but if we have Shmirah because we’re trying to be good, because we’re trying to be Tzaddikim, then Hashem will take care of us and protect us. However if we don’t want to listen to the warnings we have been getting now, like most of the Frum in America that have gone through the Frankenstorm, then we’ll be in big trouble and we’ll suffer very much.

    I beg you Am Yisroel, listen to me. I want you to know that even if there is a so-called ceasefire tonight, it will be worth nothing. The Arabs feel that they have won and because of that Israel will be in very big trouble, and it won’t take long till you’ll see that my predictions are coming true.

    Am Yisroel brace yourselves. Brace yourselves by doing Teshuva. Brace yourselves by loving each other, and doing Chessed for each other instead of all this Loshon Hora and Motzi Shem Rah, and all the violence in the Frum street one against the other. It can’t continue, and all of those who are working on the side of the Sitra Achra, will be wiped away.

    I am saying the following to every Yid in Eretz Yisroel:

    “There is no reason now for any Yid to ever leave Eretz Yisroel again. I reiterate again, no reason ever to leave Eretz Yisroel again, never ever. First of all, there is nowhere to run to, and Eretz Yisroel is the place that Hashem promised us and this is where we must stay now, and we can’t save our lives by running away because there is nowhere in the world that wants Jews. There is no reason to leave Eretz Yisorel at all ever”.

    Tatti: Do people in America feel that things are changing?
    Moishela: United States of America is a thing of the past and England is also on its way out. Many Jews feel it but many more don’t. Many are worried and are living with a black cloud over their heads trying to keep up business as usual but it doesn’t really work.

    Mommy: Why were you crying so much when you woke up this morning?
    Moishela: Last night a Tzaddik came to me in a dream. The Tzaddik was my Rebbe the Baal Shem Tov and with words he painted for me a vision of the near future of the world.

    I saw death and destruction for much of the world,
    I saw Yidden in Eretz Yisroel suffering pain and hunger and confusion,
    I saw many Yidden their lifeless bodies strewn around on the ground,
    I saw a group of Yidden coming together and crying out to Hashem.
    They were wrapped in Talaisim and with Tefillin on their heads and arms they were crying and begging Hashem to forgive them and bring the Geula. They were begging Hashem not to destroy the descendents of Avrohom, Yitzchok, and Yaakov and telling Hashem they know the truth and begging Hashem to forgive them and bring Moshiach. Then the Tzaddik that showed me all this started to fade away and he said it’s up to Am Yisroel and then he disappeared.

    Tatti: Wow that was a very frightening vision.
    Moishela: Know that this is really the beginning of the end even if there is a ceasefire. The problem isn’t the Arabs the problem is that we the Yidden are not doing what we are supposed to do. The problem is that we Yidden many of us believe in Kochi VeOtzem Yodi. We are sure that we are the strong ones that our Iron Dome is what is saving Am Yisroel. There are Yidden that don’t believe that but still don’t believe in HaKodosh Boruch Hu the way they are supposed to.
    The world is full of confusion and evil. Almost overnight the world seems to have turned from a jolly democratic world where people had no problem planning for the future with confidence that it would come to pass and as if overnight it has turned into a world where evil is taking more and more control. Every person has become afraid and worried about their daily existence and the world seems totally chaotic, like a huge insane asylum run by uniformed Reshoim and this is very frightening.

  2. let us take heed to the warnings and let us come TOGETHER and do teshuva, may we be zocheh to the coming of Moshiach bimharah biyamainu, and don’t forget for those in the US that tomorrow morning at 6:41 am to 6:50 am is a tremendous eis ratzon. use those 9 minutes to beg and plead to Hashem to bring the Geulah!

  3. Matzav:

    Please post this amazing news from comment #1 as your lead story.

    I mean, the Baaal Shem Tov appeared in a dream to this child – no, not to any Chasidishe rebbe or anyone else, just to this sick child who is unfortunately mentally and emotionally challenged – to deliver a message of ,,,,, DESTRUCTION. Yep, the Baal shem appeared in a dream to a sick child not to deliver a message of hope, but to deliver a message of destruction.

    OK. Matzav! Dear Matzav, why do you continuously allow these insane posts to go through on your comment sections? Why?

  4. Moishela, get a life. You are a fake phony fraud. Stop it already with your doom and gloom. Stop it with your pathetic propoganda. The Baal Shem Tov is all about positive and light. Not about doom and gloom. Stop with your stupid lies and idiocy. GET A LIFE!!!!!

  5. to # 3 & 4

    I sit here and wonder if #-3 and #-4 are not chas vesholom from Arev rav?

    I came across the following that might be helpful
    “From the time the Bais HaMikdosh was destroyed, prophecy was taken away from prophets and handed over to fools” (Gemara, Bava Batra 12b).

    The Shechina (Divine Presence) only dwells on a joyful person, and after the destruction (of the Bais HaMikdosh) joy has been abolished from the hearts of the intelligent. Fools and children, however, can be joyful because they lack intelligence” (Maharsha).

    “Sometimes Higher power dwells on them” (Ein Yaakov)
    “This can be compared to a king who arranged a large meal [but before their partaking in it] his servants sinned to him. [Seeing this,] the king commanded to throw the whole meal to the dogs. The same is true about the gift of prophecy. Since Klall Yisrael sinned, Hashem disgraces them by giving this gift to those lacking intelligence” (Toras Chaim)

    “Prophecy was given to fools since by them the screen
    (i.e., the brain) is not so strong.
    The brains of fools are damaged, and one can peek within the world of the soul without any physical concealment or cover.

    When the brain is damaged, the soul is freed. It is unlimited and sees all. The brain is what limits and conceals the soul”

    (HaRav E.E. Dessler, IV)

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