Pinny Ringel Considering Run for Simcha Felder’s City Council Seat

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pinny-ringelAs reported here yesterday, New York City Councilman Simcha Felder (D-Brooklyn) of the 44th District resigned from the City Council to join incoming Comptroller John Liu as a Deputy Comptroller of Budget and Accounting.

Felder served in the City Council since 2002.

With a special election set to take place to fill Felder’s seat, jockeying is already taking place among possible candidates. Sruly Appel, of the “Pinny Ringel Campaign for City Council – District 44,” says that Mr. Pinny Ringel (seen in photo with Mayor Bloomberg), a Chassidishe resident of Boro Park, is considering a run to replace Felder.

pini-2010Ringel, a longtime community advocate, is a volunteer with the Boro Park Shomrim and the owner of Hi-Tech 2000 on 13th Avenue in Boro Park. Ringel has served the community for the last eight years as Community Liaison to Councilman Felder and has attended numerous community board meetings and community police council meetings.

Who will be competing against the campaign to elect New York City’s first Chassidishe Councilman is unclear at the present time.

{Noam Newscenter}


  1. None of the other candidates live in the district! They would have to move into the district to qualify.
    Mr. Ringel is therefore the only person showing interest who is now qualified to run!

  2. Ringel is for sure not running, he dosnt have any support in the community at all,he is just thinking of running. as of now JoeLazaristhe front runner

  3. #3, that comment was totally inappropriate. This is a public news forum and hundreds if not thousands will see that comment.

  4. #6 you out of whack, as of now Noach Dear is the front runner and David Greenfield is runner up. If Pinny Ringel joins this race there is a bigger chance of him getting the whole Boro Park vote.

  5. #1 you might be too young too remeber, but when simcha felder first ran, it was a 3 person primary race and he was running against another frum guy in a velvet kipa named Shmuel “Sam” Spirgel. everyone thoughh the thirds guy, the older wiser more exprienced Mr. Miller would win, but he didnt.

  6. Pinny is defintiley a great candidate. He is very caring and understanding person. Good Luck Pinny !!
    Perfect Trading

  7. #15 Do you remember the date of that primary? 9/11/01!! That race got dirty. Let’s get the message. Vhamaven Yovin!

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