Rabbi Firer: My Ainiklach Are Getting Immunized

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rabbi-elimelech-firerHealth Minister Yael German and Health Ministry Director Prof. Ronny Gamzo received the recommendation of health expert Rabbi Elimelech Firer today for the polio immunization drive currently being carried out among Israeli children. German and Gamzo visited Rabbi Firer at Beit Ezra Lemarpeh and discussed the vaccination drive.

Rabbi Firer summed up the conversation by stating that based upon the principle of mutual responsibility and societal commitment, the vaccinations should be taken by all healthy children, and only children suffering from health problems should be exempt from it.

“I, too, have told my grandchildren to be immunized,” he said.

Read more at Arutz Sheva.

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. Maybe he can come to the United States and set the record straight for all the parents who turn their children into “rodfim” by not vaccinating them.

  2. It’s an interesting state of affairs in our world when we ignore the physicians and experts and wait for the heimishe askan to tell us what to do. Are we so distrusting of scientific evidence that we will only listen to empirical facts if they come out of the mouth of somebody who looks like us?

  3. Immunizations are essential. Anyone who thinks otherwise does not believe in Hashem or Torah. It is a human attribute of tomorrows hope to keep your children safe. There is no way that there is an issue such as the nay sayers purport without any scientific knowledge. The war against immunization is about the same level as the war against circumcision. Ignorance and blasphemy.

  4. to number 2
    Totally agree, but part of practicing smart health policy is to use all necessary means to educate the community.
    When life gives you lemons, figure out a way to squeeze them.

  5. The vast majority of internationally recognized medical experts recommend immunization.
    There are a few quacks who peddle their idiosyncratic silliness.
    Only in exceptional cases should children not be immunized, and that should be done on medical advise.

  6. #2
    Go to any hospital in Israel and mention R’ Firer’s name and every single doctor or nurse has not only heard of him but also respects his medical opinion.
    He is not just an askan.

  7. to #1:
    My understanding is that children like mine who had been immunized with the safer dead vaccine are 100% protected from polio. However my children can still be carriers and put at risk those who did not vaccinate. So German (sec. of health) decided to use the more dangerous live vaccine/drops. So my children need to undergo a SECOND vaccine so they wont become carriers and spread polio to those who refuse to get the dead vaccine. This seems unfair! But – since many sick children with lower immune systems are also at risk – could be that i have an achroyais to them

  8. to #1:
    My understanding is that children like mine who had been immunized with the safer dead vaccine are 100% protected from polio. However my children can still be carriers and put at risk those who did not vaccinate. So German (sec. of health) decided to use the more dangerous live vaccine/drops. So my children need to undergo a SECOND vaccine so they wont become carriers and spread polio to those who refuse to get the dead vaccine. This seems unfair!

    But – since many sick children with lower immune systems are also at risk – could be that i have an achroyais to them

  9. Quote: So my children need to undergo a SECOND vaccine so they wont become carriers and spread polio to those who refuse to get the dead vaccine. This seems unfair! But – since many sick children with lower immune systems are also at risk – could be that i have an achroyais to them

    –Agree with this one. If it was to protect the anti-vaccine folks, I would not subject my kid to an additional vaccine. But since there are people who legitimately cannot be vaccinated (including newborns as well as the sick), the medical community and R’ Firer are advocating that we do take that extra step as our contribution to community.

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