Rockets and Fighting Generate Financial Loss

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israel-rocket-attackBy Aryeh Savir

Israel’s Tax Authority announced yesterday (Jul. 8) that over 100 claims have been made so far as a result of damage caused by the rockets in the south, totaling at 10,000,000 NIS. The Tax Authority has dispersed their appraisers to provide initial assistance to citizens whose property has been damaged by the fighting. At least 35 cars were destroyed, 52 structures were damaged and 12 claims were made regarding damage caused to agriculture. Further damage was caused to municipal property and infrastructure.

Two families whose homes were severely hit were evacuated to hotels.

Another heavy cost is the call up of IDF reservists. A cost of one reservist is estimated at 600 NIS per day. So far, some 15,000 have been called up, with an option of expanding the call up to a total of 40,000 soldiers.

The use of the Iron Dome anti rocket has so far been proven as very effective in defending Israel’s citizens with a 90% accuracy rate, but is extremely costly as well; so is the running of the entire military apparatus. The Second Lebanon War cost 11.2 billion NIS; Operation ‘Cast Lead’ cost 3.57 billion NIS; Operation ‘Pillar of Defense’ cost 2 billion NIS.

The general economy is also affected by the fighting, although Israel’s government is doing its best to maintain a state of ongoing business. Minister of Economy Naftali Bennet issued a special order that forces workers to arrive at work in industries considered vital to the economy. Minister of Transport Israel Katz, instructed the director of the port of Ashdod, Yitzchak Blumenthal, to immediately suspend the chairman of the workers union Avinoam Shushan, who instructed the employees to leave their jobs due to the security situation. The Minister instructed the workers to return to work immediately and said that Shushsn’s conduct was scandalous and that he received an illegal decision on his own.

Tazpit News Agency

{ Israel}


  1. They cut back to save money, by stopping to support those who are learning, now the govt is paying maybe 100x over what they thought they would save, in fighting this war.

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