Satmar’s Moshe Dovid Niederman Endorses Hillary Clinton

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Dear Jewish Brethren,

The upcoming Tuesday will be held the national elections, when the United States will – Go-d willing – select who will lead the country for the coming four years. Although the vast majority of us reside in states where outcome is certain, it’s important that we should turn out a large number of votes for:

Secretary Hillary Clinton For President 

Throughout the years that Secretary Clinton served as New York’s Senator, and then as Secretary of State, she was sympathetic to the needs of the Haredi Community. When we needed assistance with refugees – to assist Jews from Iran and Yemen to emigrate to the free world – and when we needed urgent assistance with immigration issues, she was very helpful.

The prior administration expanded the rights of religious Jews in prisons, as with zoning, housing and other issues, and was very understanding of our needs. Jewish prisoners, as well as Jews suffering from discrimination with housing and other areas, still benefits greatly from that law. Orthodox Jews benefited tremendously from the Clintons’ sympathy to our interests, and we have to show our appreciation, by demonstrating that we recognized that and we are thankful for it, by coming out and vote for Secretary Clinton on Tuesday.

לכבוד אחינו בני ישראל הי”ו,

דעם קומענדיגן דינסטאג קומען פאר די נאציאנאלע וואלן, ווען די פאראייניגטע שטאטן וועט אי”ה אויסוועלן ווער עס וועט פירן דאס לאנד פאר די קומענדיגע פיר יאר. טראץ וואס רובא דרובא פון אונז וואוינען אין שטאטן וואו דער אויסגאנג איז קלאר, איז וויכטיג אז מיר ברענגן ארויס א גרויסע צאל שטימען פאר:

Secretary Hillary Clinton
for President
במשך די יארן וואס סעקרעטאר קלינטאן האט געדינט אלס ניו יארק סטעיט סענאטאר פון ניו יארק, און שפעטער אלס סעקרעטערי אוו סטעיט, איז מרס. קלינטאן געווען סימפאטיש צו די געברויכן פון חרדי’שע אידן. ווען מ’האט געדארפט הילף מיט פליטים אישוס, צו העלפן אידן פון איראן און תימן ארויסצוקומען צו א מקום מנוחה, ווי אויך ווען מ’האט געדארפט דרינגנדע הילף אין מיט אימיגראציע אישוס, איז זי געווען זייער בייהילפיג.

די פריעדיגע קלינטאן אדמיניסטראציע האט אויסגעברייטערט די רעכטן פון חרד’ישע אידן אין תפיסות, זאונינג, האוזינג און אנדערע אישוס, און איז געווען זייער סימפאטיש צו אונזערע געברויכן. אידן אין תפיסות, ווי אויך אידן וואס ליידן פון דיסקרימינאציע מיט האוזינג און אנדערע הינזיכטן, בענעפיטירן נאך היינט א געוואלד פון די געזעץ. חרדי’שע אידן האבן א געוואלד בענעפיטירט פון די קלינטאנס’ סימפאטיע פאר אונזערע אינטערעסן, און מיר דארפן ארויסווייזן דערפאר א הכרת הטוב, צייגנדיג אז מיר אנערקענען עס און זענען דאנקבאר דערפאר, דורך ארויסקומען שטימען פאר סעקרעטאר קלינטאן דעם דינסטאג.

(דער שרייבער איז דער לאנגיעריגער פרעזידענט פון די פאראייניגטע אידישע ארגאניזאציעס פון וויליאמסבורג)



  1. Unlike the liberal left which identifies with her world view, these guys identify with her selling out for $$$.

    They always spit at the Israeli flag while waving the US flag, and talk about how much they love the US. But here we see they couldn’t care less for America – it’s all about their $$$.

  2. And metziah bapeh will be outlawed by the new Supreme Court liberal judges. And yeshivas will have to get in line with public schools teaching evolution and toeiva.

  3. Mamesh this week’s Parsha. How can he support a candidate that supports hashchasa???! How can he support a candidate that supports murdering a baby, even in the ninth month???! he Neiderman want to bring another mabul on this Nation???! Is it always about the almighty dollar $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$???! Will he bring her into Bais Rochel to give inspiration for future Yiddisheh momas?! It is not hakaras hatov! It is %100 percent pure unadulterated CHANIFFA! What would The Satmar Rebbe ZT”L say if he were alive today?!

  4. What this really means is:

    Dear Jewish Brethren,

    The upcoming Tuesday will be held the national elections, when the United States will – Go-d willing – select who will lead the country for the coming four years. Although the vast majority of us reside in states where outcome is certain, it’s important that we should turn out a large number of votes for whoever can put more gelt in our pockets. Who cares about America. Who cares about Israel and with Only $$$$$$$$$$$$ is important.

  5. “Throughout the years that Secretary Clinton served as New York’s Senator, and then as Secretary of State, she was sympathetic to the needs of the Haredi Community. When we needed assistance with refugees – to assist Jews from Iran and Yemen to emigrate to the free world – and when we needed urgent assistance with immigration issues, she was very helpful.”

    “The prior administration expanded the rights of religious Jews in prisons (1), as with zoning (2), housing (3) and other issues (4), and was very understanding of our needs. Jewish prisoners, as well as Jews suffering from discrimination with housing and other areas, still benefits greatly from that law. Orthodox Jews benefited tremendously from the Clintons’ sympathy to our interests, and we have to show our appreciation, by demonstrating that we recognized that and we are thankful for it, by coming out and vote for Secretary Clinton on Tuesday.”

    “Other issues” , i.e. increasing the level of entitlements – WIC, Food Stamps, HEAP.


  6. Again, the little kinderlach that run Matzav, just had to edit and censor my comment. Such babies. Why don’t you just come out and say that you endorse & support Hillary for President?

  7. Even if you like Trump, you know that “der programs” will dry up fast under his plan to git entitlements. Goodbye foodstamps, goodbye section 8, CHIP, WIC etc.

    Support Trump all you want on Matzav, you know who the yeshivishe oilam is voting for behind the polling curtain.

  8. I don’t understand why everyone is so upset. What Rabbi Niederman is saying is that we have to show Hakoras Hatov. Isn’t that a Jewish concept anymore? Hakoras Hatov means the heads of these organizations that received benefits for their people – and thousands upon thousands of Jews benefit from Satmar and the like- have to declare that they recognize their benefactors and have Hakoras Hatov. Anyone who knows anything, knows who they have to vote for. Rabbi Nuedeman has to say what he has to say and everyone has to do what they have to do. It is politics one on one. No reason to get so upset.

  9. This election has gotten so bad that the site that supposedly stood for Torah Judaism and whos comments were the most strictly monitored of all Chareidi sites- now has no issue with a barrage of comments attacking a rabbi who leads one of those Torah communities.

  10. Vehakesef Yaneh es hakol. One solution so that they don’t have to rely on her for their food stamps etc…is a big segula that I heard many years ago. It is well proven and those who have done this have been known to need less from the government hence not needing to chanfa the worlds Hillary’s It is known as drum roll please..

  11. Please do not insult our intelligence.
    We don’t need anyone telling us how to vote . We have brains, thank you and we can make up our own minds based on evidence.
    Is money is important to you or the state of the world cuz if we have no world left to preserve , money aint gonna help much, will it? If Isis makes its presence known around here…are you gona worry about your italian tiles or trying to stay alive.?
    Between two evils, we gotta take our best shot ! Hashem should help us. We are at dangerous crossroads …for sure.
    Either way…PRAY

  12. This brings me to tears. How they can find a heter to vote for a criminal who steals takes bribes and has ordered deaths of many people (and Jews)who stood in their way. Perhaps stealing is not an aveira. Money goes a long way. It is a very no probably tragedy for them to come out in public and declare their intention. And what happens to them if Trump wins, which I believe he will. You can see Hashem’s yad because there isn’t any logical explanation that he is still standing after what he went through. Hashem should have rachmus on us.

  13. Forget about whatever private reasons we might have for or against Hillary. The fact is, she is an islamonazi supporter and a real sakonas nefoshos to the millions of Yiden in Eretz Yisroel. Voting for her is voting for holocaust r”l. I sincerely hope that any frum person not voting against Hillary is ignorant of the above fact. If you are persuaded by other reasons while being aware of Hillary’s danger to Jewish lives – don’t pretend to be frum. And if you are ignorant of the Hillary’s islamonazi support – don’t make public statements until you educate yourself.

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