Super Bowl ‘Kosher Halftime Show’ Planned By Jewish Network, Sponsored by Empire and the OU

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nsn-kosher-halftime-show-super-bowl-2014The Nachum Segal Network announced plans to air its first-ever “Kosher Halftime Show” during Super Bowl XLVIII on Feb. 2. During the game between the Denver Broncos and Seattle Seahawks at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ, the network will stream the 20-minute show on its website, The video broadcast will feature musical performances by Lenny Solomon, Avromie Weisberger, Jonathan Rimberg, Ari Boiangiu, and Ethan Bill, and will also include some surprises.

“The halftime show is a key component of the big game, and the NFL consistently brings the biggest names in contemporary music to play on the main stage. The only issue is that those acts often don’t appeal to the Jewish crowd,” said radio host Nachum Segal. “We are proud to be providing a quality, kosher alternative that will entertain Jewish audiences and maintain a family-oriented vibe even during halftime.”

The program is sponsored by Cedar Market in Teaneck, NJ, Empire Kosher Party and Buffalo Wings and Chicken Nuggets, and the Orthodox Union. After the game, the video will continue to be available for viewing on the network’s website, on Youtube (“NachumSegalNet”), and on the network’s Facebook page (“Jewish Radio World with Nachum Segal”).

“We chose the songs that we believed would make the greatest impact in the short amount of time we had to work with. We wanted to make sure that the positive energy and musical intensity that we felt in the studio would burst off the screen and right into your living room,” said Lenny Solomon.


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  1. Before the various rablle rousers complain how we can encourage “frumme yidden” to do something so goyish as to watch “a bunch of beheimos” hurtle their bodies at each other, please remember that the fact is that many will be watching the Super Bowl,and providing an alternative to the usual tznius-defecient halftime show is a service to those people.

  2. Torah has no issue with you watching the Super Bowl. It might be better to be more conversational with the non-jew when you are here to become a light to the nations. It will bring you closer to American Enjoyment and America is a place for Yidden to be safe and hopeful. A good experience and those commercials are very funny.

  3. Considering the things that happen during the standard half-time show, and that many Yidden will be watching the game no matter what, this is definitely an improvement. I don’t own a TV, rent one, or watch modern-style gladiatorial combat, but for those who watch the game, this is good news.

  4. @ Frum (#5) – If you’re watching TV in the tub you’ve got bigger issues to worry about. #shock television. #literally.

    We plumbers invented the “wardrobe malfunction” as an industry standard. #can I use your phone?

  5. Are the people protesting this also opposed to the many kosher restaurants offering “super bowl platters” and sending out emails advising us to get our Super Bowl orders in early?

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