Thank You, Dr. Clair

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dr-daniel-clairReposted: As we have reported, Dr. Daniel Clair, Chairman of the Department of Vascular Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic, traveled to Eretz Yisroel to perform surgery on Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv at Shaarei Tzedek Medical Center in Yerushalayim last night.

Below, all readers are urged to express their feelings of thanks and appreciation to Dr. Clair for making the trip and spending multiple days in Israel monitoring Rav Elyashiv. The thoughts below will be sent directly to Dr. Clair.

Readers can email the link to this post to their friends and family so that they can share their thanks as well.

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  1. I am sure that you had to cancell appointments back home. You deserve our hakoras hatov and our prayers and good wishes.

  2. Thank you for making the trip and leaving your family to perform the procedure on our rabbi. The entire Jewish community recognizes your service.

  3. Much appreciation for a well deserved step. May you always have the ability with Hashem’s help to be able to mend and repair while passing on good tidings. Thank you ever so much. What you’ve done means more to us than you’ll ever know. May I leave you with a blessing, Dr Claire; May you always be on the giving end, never be a receiver in such circumstances.

  4. G-d sends many messengers to do His bidding. It is a great honor and a special person to carry out His will. You are one of them.
    Thank you

  5. To a one of a kind doctor: We hope to bring you back a 3rd time in 7 years to do this operation 3 successful times in a row on our Rabbi!

  6. Thank you so much for taking the time and utilizing your expertise to aid another man. You may or may not be familiar with the idea that as Jews, we look up to and revere our sages and elders. They are the foundations of Jewish communities across the world. We thank you for helping one of our most revered and respected sages. May you always see success and fruition in the wonderful work that you do.

  7. BSD
    If chazal say he who saves ones life is as if he sustained the whole world, can we even imagine the reward of one who heals The Pillar of the World?1?!
    Thank You is a small word for what was done. May Hashem repay and show you His gratitude forever,

  8. Even though we personally dont know you Dr. Clair we have to say thank you.. Thank you for being a messenger from the One Above.. He who saves one, saves an entire world-taken from the Talmud.. You saved a Jewish life and the One Above will repay you ten fold… Thank you again..

  9. Thank you, Dr. Clair for your amazing efforts on behalf of this great Rabbi. May G-d bless you and all of your undertakings.

  10. thank you so much Dr. Clair for all your help and for traveling so far to take care of our Rabbi!!! we really appreciate it!!!

  11. Dr. Clair
    May G-d bless you and yours. May you be able to continue your noble work and be the right and trusted to messenger from the ultimate Healer. Thank you for your wonderful work for mankind .

  12. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking of your time and energy to come and aid our Rabbi. We appreciate it more than you can imagine. May you be blessed with everything good, for your and your entire family.

  13. Thank you so much Dr. Clair for the sacrifice you made in order to help the leader of our generation! May G-d bless you with continued success in all areas and may you continue to do many great deeds as a person and as a doctor!

  14. Dear Doctor,

    I am in awe of this act of G-d, and of the person chosen as His vehicle to deliver this miracle.

    May G-d bless your handiwork, always.

    Best sincere wishes,

  15. The entire Jewish World is indebted to you for your selfless efforts, Dr. Clair. Thank you!
    May you be blessed from Above!

  16. Thank you Dr. Clair, may G-d bless you with health and many long successful years to help continue helping many may people recover!

  17. Thank you so much for the effort and expertise in all you have done to save his life. The world needs great doctors like you! In the merit of saving this holy rabbi, may you be blessed with long life and lots of luck.

  18. thank you for being the g-d-sent messenger
    our prayer will alwas be with you
    may you be blessed DR CLAIR

  19. Thank you!!!

    I have met dr clair on few occasions and he is simply the nicest person around. Always cares about everybody and he gas great middos (character traites).

    We should all learn from him.

  20. Your amazing you saved on of the most precious people the jewish nation has today. May g-d bless you with many more years of saving peoples lives. We as a nation cant show enough appresiation for a man like you.

  21. As a resident of Cleveland Heights and part of Bikur Cholim of which you are well aware of. Words are not enough to express our thanks.
    But thank you anyhow.

  22. I was in shacharis this morning in Rabbi shiffenbauer’s shul and a very young fellow from Eretz yisroel was trying to collect money for a cardiac surgery for a child – $200,000 – to be exact. Could whoever footed the bill and made all the arrangments for Rav Elyashiv, please be so kind as to make themselves available to help this Yid out as well. I’m sure if you contact the Gabboim in the shul they will be able to direct you to the person.

  23. Thank you Dr. Clair. Here in Florida we were praying for your success. We are deeply grateful to you for helping our revered Rabbi.

  24. Dear Dr. Clair:
    Thank you for all of the effort, care, concern, planning, expertise and selflessness that went into this wonderful act of salvation. As the Creator blessed you with success in this deed, may He bless you with success in all of your your good deeds — and with good health and prosperity. As you have removed concern and worry from so many of us, may He remove condern and worry from you throughout your life.

  25. Dear Dr. Clair,

    Fron New Jersey, I would like to express my thanks and appreciation for flying over to Israel and helping Rabbi Elyashuv.

  26. Dear Dr. Clair,
    Thank you so much for your altruistic actions on behalf of Rabbi Elyashiv. Rabbi Elyashiv is revered as a great scholar and a tzaddik, a very righteous individual , who has devoted his entire life to mastery of the Torah and to helping others, by sharing his vast knowledge and wisdom. His word is respected by hundreds of thousands of people. Your willingness to do what most other physicians would not be willing to do is a great act of kindness. Saving one life is considered in our tradition as saving the entire world. Your generosity and expertise have incredible value. May Hashem bless you with great health, energy and willingness to continue to give of yourself for the benefit of mankind.May your kindness inspire all of us to go the extra mile or 6000 miles! Thanks on behalf of hundreds of thousands of grateful humans throughout the world!

  27. Dear Dr. Clair,
    I feel a great amount of gratitude to you for your willingness to give up so much time and energy to help a man that I hold in such high esteem, Rabbi Elyashiv. Our tradition teaches us that each person is made in the image of our Creator . Therefore everyone is in reality so precious.I realize that I really should feel tremendous gratitude to all people who help enhance the quality of life of other human beings. Certainly, the Creator himself, who takes care of each one of us constantly, deserves endless gratitude. Thanks for being a source of inspiration to me and thousands if not millions of others who have read about your selflessness!

  28. From teaneck nj

    Holy name hospital

    Thank you

    When you have a moment please tell is how you feel about the rabbi

    As you have seen him up close and many of is have never spent time with him.

  29. Thank you Dr. Clair. You have been picked by Hashem to save Rav Elyashiv, the pillar of the world. Only good people are chosen to perform such great tasks.

  30. Dr Clair,
    We owe you a tremendous debt of gratitude for what you did. My blessing to you is for G-d to give you together with all your loved ones good health, long happy lives and may you be blessed to continue saving lives.

    From N.Y.

  31. Dr. Claire, your efforts are more than just appreciated by the jewish people. How fortunate you are to be God’s messenger in healing the great Rabi. May you merit to have continued success in al your endeavors.

  32. Thank You for your time and dedication in this most worthy issue.

    May the Blessings of the Torah, as adapted to the situation, be bestowed on you and your family.

  33. In Jewish lore, we believe that G-d brings about good and important things via worthy people. So the fact that Dr. Clair was chosen to be the worthy messenger to perform this task says a lot about the fine doctor.

    It is beautiful to see such warm expressions of appreciation.

    May this unity and these genuine feelings of positivity and gratitude continue and bring about further happiness and good tidings.

    Thank you, Dr. Clair from our community.

  34. Dr. Clair, you are the envy of most Jews across the globe. People travel from all across the world just to get a glimpse of the great Rabbi, and perhaps merit his blessings. You merited spending several hours with this great individual. How truly lucky you are indeed!

  35. Dr. Clair you did a favor for every Jew alive. You can’t comprehend the amount of love and admiration the Jewish Nation feels towards Rav Elyashiv. He’s todays Jewish Leader like we have in every generation going all the way back to Moses. May God repay you with unparalleled success, health and happiness, for manny years to come.
    [email protected]

  36. Much appreciation, Dr. Clair. In addition to the great deed you have done, you will also be repayed by God as a partner in all the good that the Great Rabbi will do from now on!
    We envy you.
    Phoenix, AZ

  37. DR CLAIR

  38. Dear Dr. Clair,

    From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all that you have done for our people. Not only for your tremendous effort this weekend, but for all your dedication over the years. May G-d give you the strength and knowledge to succeed in all that you do and may G-d bless your family with many generations of health and happiness.

    Thank you.

  39. Thank you so so much Dr you trully are so so amazing. All of us Jews feel an immense appreciation for your great work. And we actually feel like you healed us all, because without your work we would be Heaven Forbid without a leader in good health, and thats like a child without a father.

  40. On behalf of over 10,000 Orthodox Jewish families from Lakewood NJ I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Clair, an angel in the form of a person who has made a most amazing effort to travel across the globe to help a person who hundreds of thousands of people turn to as their spiritual leader.

    May G-d grant you much health and lots of time to enjoy it.

  41. Dear Dr. Clair

    With tremendous Hacaras Hatov we thank you for your care attention and enormous time and effort spent on this wonderful chessed ( lovingkindness) you provide and you should be successful in all of your G-dly endeavors.

    With heartfelt wishes,

    George Orwell

  42. Thanks Dr. Clair for your valuable time and efforts. My legitimate question is; given the technology and medical advancement in Israel, was there no doctor able to perform this procedure?

  43. Thank you for your compassiononate care, it is greatly appreciated. Your G-d given talent has been put to great use and is valued by all of our community. May you be rewarded by the Almighty.

  44. God should bless you with much success in all your endeavors for making the effort to fly to Israel and operate on the great Rabbi!

  45. lakewood new jersey
    Thank you DR. Clair for for your selflessness and for saving our Rabbi a second time!
    God bless you !

  46. Dear Dr. Clair

    Almost 50 years ago when my grandfather of blessed memory left Mayo Clinic in Rochester, he gave this blessing to his doctor. I, in turn on behalf of our community, wish this for you. He said:
    It is G-d’s will whether or not a patient lives. May it be G-d’s will to give to you and your associate , all the patients that he has decided to let live.
    Thank you very much.

    D. Cohen (Chicago)

  47. The world rests on the merits of this great holy rabbi. Operating on the rabbi and nursing him back to health will surely be repayed by G-d to you and your family for many generations. THANK YOU!!!!!

  48. Dear Dr. Clair,

    The entire Jewish nation all over the world cannot thank you enough for the most amazing act of kindness which you have gone out of your way to travel many miles & performed & succeeded in doing a most delicate operation on our great Rabbi, Rav Elyashiv.

    May you be successful with all your other patients as you were with Rav Elyashiv.

    May God repay & bless you & your family back 1,000 fold for this great kindness which you’ve done!!!!! Thank you, Thank you, & Thank you again.

    From Brooklyn, NY

  49. Thank you Dr. Clair for performing this operation on our great Rabbi.

    We appreciate your efforts and may G-D bless you and your team with much healing success,its truly only in G-D s hands.


    Ben H.

  50. Thank you so much Dr. Clair! Never can we pay you for what you have done or for what you do. May all what you do continue to merit you a good “payback” in the next world.

    From Melbourne, Australia

  51. You must really be a special person Dr. Clair, as G-d has chosen you to be the one to save our grand Rabbi, Rav Elyashiv – not once but twice! Jews from all over of the world consider Rav Elyashiv to be their Rabbi and spiritual leader, so now you have many people all over the world blessing you for your selfless dedication. And, they are heartfelt blessings. You have certainly gone about the call of duty. I will add my blessings as well, though over a hundred people have done so before me…. may Hashem bless you and your family with good health and wealth, and a long life to enjoy it! We appreciate your efforts and thank you so much!!
    From: Monsey, NY.

  52. Thank you Dr. Clair! You are doing GOD’s work! You must have a special soul, that GOD choose you to be the messenger to save Rabbi Eliyashuv Shlita. May you & your family continue to do acts of kindness to all of God’s children!

  53. B”H
    You should be blessed to receive kindness lifelong for showing such kindness. On behalf of all Jews, thank you.

  54. Dr. Clair – Blessings on your head (and hands, etc.). May G-d shower blessings on you, family, helpers…

    I wonder how you have merited to be the one to be the messenger of G-d Almighty (who is the one who heals the sick, let us not forget that, although he works via people such as yourself) to (G-d willing) help and heal this great Jewish leader. I don’t want to invade your privacy, but perhaps you might wish to reflect on this and share some thoughts if appropriate.

    Enjoy the Holy Land while you are there.

  55. Thank you Dr Clair. May yo be blessed with good health and success in all your endeavors. You have rendered a service not to just the Rav personally which for that alone you deserve our everlasting appreciation, but to all jews worldwide as Rav Elyashiv is the undisputed spritual leader of world jewry.

    Thank you ever so much.

  56. Thank you so much for making the long trip along with your specialized equipment to attend to our Special Rov. We wish him a speedy recovery and wish you a long and healthy life to continue your amazing work. On behalf of all jews the world over we can not express our appreciation enough. All the best from Brooklyn, NY

  57. There are no words to express out thanks for all that you have done for our Rabbi. You can’t imagine what a tremendous kindness you have done for the whole Jewish nation.

  58. Thanks a million Doctor! We cant explain to you what you have done to the entire jewish community.You have saved our leader and thereby saving each and every single one of us!WE HAVE NOTHING WITHOUT OUR LEADERS!!!!!!!!!!!
    may god repay you for all your good deads!

  59. Thank you Dr. Claire. The Bible tells us that an angel accompanies every physician while he is on the job, but also tells us that the Angel of Healing himself accompanies a great doctor. Dr. Claire, the Angel of Healing surely accompanied you when you worked on the great Rabbi Eliyashuv. May the Lord showere upon His loyal servant all the Blessings for which you are truly so deservant. May you have many healthy years along with your wonderful family. Thank you again.

  60. Hashem blessed you with the title of “ROFEH” you have a great previlege in life to be The messenger to perform the same deeds as The Blessed be He…you can look in the zohar re: “refaeini Hashem Venerafei…” Jeremiah…may you keep beeing the blessed messenger for great healings…

  61. Dear Dr. Clare,

    We really appreciate what you have done for one of the greatest people Orthodox Jews have today. May you have much success in your career as well as all your future endeavors.


  62. From the bottom of our hearts we thank you for
    your act of selflessness by traveling six thousand miles to fix one broken heart…
    We regard Rav Elyashav as the top leader of our generation. Our blessing to you is that may G-D grant you a long, healthy life.
    You are indeed G-D’s messenger.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you……

  63. God Bless you Dr. Clair for all that you have done for Rav Elyashiv. As a clevelander I take special pride in knowing that you are so sought after. Much success.

  64. Dear Dr. Clair,

    Your tremendous merit is enviable. You are truly counted among the Chasidei Umos HaOlam (righteous gentiles). Thank you! May you know only success and blessing in your every endeavor.

  65. Thanks a million Doctor!!!!!!!! Your a true role model for all! may god grant tons of success in all your endeavors! may you and you family be blessed with many many years of health, happiness,and success!!!

  66. There are no words of appreciation that our community can express for all you have done for our grand rabbi…!!!!!

  67. Thank you, Dr.Clair. You have saved a great man. Someone that our whole community leans on for direction. May G-D bless you.

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