The Ed Koch Bridge?

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ed-kochYou might not be taking the Queensboro Bridge to work anymore. The Bloomberg Administration wants to rename the 101-year-old span over the East River after former Mayor Ed Koch.

“This is a workhorse bridge and it’s rugged,” Koch told 1010 WINS. “It’s like me – I’m rugged and I’m a workhorse so I’m delighted.”

Koch said he was “flabbergasted” and “delighted” when he heard the bridge, which runs from 59th Street in Manhattan to Long Island City, Queens, may be named after him.

The name change requires approval by the City Council and Speaker Christine Quinn told the New York Times that she supports it.

“The Queensboro Bridge is in the heart of my district,” Koch said. “I identify with the bridge.”

The Brooklyn Battery Tunnel will also get a new name. State lawmakers voted Tuesday to rename it after former Governor Hugh Carey.

“Hugh Carey saved the city and the state from default and he’s the greatest governor, in my judgment, of the modern era ,” Koch said.

The city plans to raise money privately to pay for road signs with the new names. The renaming of the Triborough Bridge, which became the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge, cost the city and state nearly $4 million for new signs.

{CBS Local/}


  1. This would be very sad. Former Mayor Edward Moore Koch was one of the main pioneers of the whole Toeiva (so-called) “rights” thingy. During his tenure of being NYC mayor, he worked very hard to get a Toeiva rights bill passed. Year after year after year, he would have it introduced into the city council and would heavily pressure the council members to pass it. Most of the years, the bill was voted down in committee; one time, it passed the committee, but was voted down by the whole council.

    In 1986 though, with new council members who were pro-Toeiva and very heavy pressure and manipulations by Mayor Koch, the bill was finally passed.

    (It is noteworthy that the day the bill then passed the committee, was the day of the Petira of the Raban Shel Yisroel, Maran Rav Yaakov Kaminetsky, ZT’L. The day that the bill was actually passed by the whole council was just four days before the Petira of THE absolute Raban Shel Yisroel, the Gadol HaDor, Maran Rav Moshe Feinstein, ZT’L.)

    So to have any kind of positive monument for such a big Rasha – a wicked man – as Mayor Koch, and especially to give his name to one of the major bridges of New York City, would be extremely sad.

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