יתומים היינו: מרן פוסק הדור הגאון הגדול רבי יוסף שלום אלישיב זצ”ל – Torah Torah Chigri Sak: Maran Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv zt”l

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rav-yosef-shalom-elyashivIt is with tremendous shock and sadness that we report the petirah of the posek hador, Maran Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv zt”l, at the age of 102.

Rav Elyashiv had been hospitalized at Shaarei Tzedek Hospital in Yerushalayim for some six months. Thousands davened for Rav Yosef Shalom ben Chaya Musha, but the gadol hador was taken from our midst today, ending a life of complete and utter dedication to Torah and Klal Yisroel.

Born on Rosh Chodesh Nissan Tof Reish Ayin, April 10, 1910, Rav Elyashiv was a grandson of Rav Shlomo Elyashiv zt”l, the Leshem, who was niftar in 1925 and hailed from Šiauliai, Lithuania. His father was Rav Avraham of Homel and his mother was Rebbetzin Chaya Moussa, daughter of the Leshem. His wife, who passed away in June, 1994, was a daughter of Rav Aryeh Levin zt”l, the “Tzaddik of Yerushalayim.”

Rav Elyashiv and his Rebbetzin had eleven children. His daughters’ husbands include Rav Chaim Kanievsky; Rav Yosef Yisroel Yisraelzon zt”l; Rav Elchonon Berlin, rov of the Achva shul; Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein, rov of Ramat Elchanan (whose wife wasnifteres and who has since remarried; Rav Ezriel Auerbach; and Rav Binyomin Rimmer, a rosh yeshiva at the Tshebiner Yeshiva and at Yeshiva Kiryas Melech in Bnei Brak.

One of Rav Elyashiv’s daughters was killed in 1948 by Jordanian shelling.

When Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman was once asked if there is anyone in our generation who understands Kabbolah, Rav Steinman thought for a while, and then nodded his head and answered affirmatively. He was then asked who it is, and after a moment’s silence, Rav Steinman answered, “Rav Elyashiv.”

The halachic rulings and insights of Rav Elyashiv have been published in several seforim. The multi-volume Kovetz Teshuvos contains teshuvos from questions asked of him over many years. Many of his drashos and chiddushim, most dating from the 1950s, were collected and published as Divrei Aggadah. Another work that includes his p’sakim is titled “Yashiv Moshe.” These works were not written by Rav Elyashiv himself, but were compiled by his relatives and talmidim.

The petirah of Rav Elyashiv has plunged Klal Yisroel into mourning.

Mi yitein lonu temuraso.

{Yair Alpert-Matzav.com Israel}


  1. Who is the true leader? The man who cares. The man who feels a responsibility for others. The one who sits huddled in a humble apartment away from the shackles of power, out of the spotlight. The person who is suffused with Torah. The person who has dedicated his life to being an eved Hashem and bows to no one but those who follow the true path.

    A person like the 102-year-old who sits in a small dirah in Yerushalayim.

    Yehi zichro boruch

  2. I am devastated. I feel like I have lost a father. We are left bereft.
    The last time I felt like this was upon Rav Shach’s petirah.
    The pain is too great to bear.

  3. He was a real tzaddik I would love to hear specific encounters and stories about him. He definitely was one of our 36 tzaddikim oiy lanu!

  4. a certain magazine had an article on the oldest gedolim
    A few have since been niftar.

    Perhaps in the future articles should not be written about Gedolim near or over 100. It may be Ayin Harah.

  5. Yidden all over the world are asked to recite Tehillim learn Torah and give Tzedokah as a Zechus for the famous Magid of the generation Harav Shlomo Brevda Shlita, who is in need of a Refuah Sheleimah.

    Rav Brevda is one of the most well-known Maggidei Shiur and Darshanim and has delivered thousands of Drashos in Jewish communities worldwide.

    Rav Brevda is the author of numerous Sforim, including volumes on Yomim Tovim. His writings on the Torah of the Vilna Gaon and the Gaon’s Sforim in Aggadah and Kabbolah are particularly well known.

    The name for Tehillim is: “Shlomo Leib ben Miriam”

  6. according to SMS-ISR the levaya will be at 10pm Israel time from his house to har hamenuchos. Please post information on audio hookup if available.

  7. In todays times, where we are seemingly less machsiv what our rabonim and gedoilei roshei hayishiva are telling us. On this occasion of the passing of one of our leaders I feel it is a time for us to reflect and perhaps be “re-michazaik” ourselves in our emunas chachomim, even when our “daas” doesn’t feel like it is the right thing (for what ever reason). Let us daven that the rosh hayeshiva will be a mailitz yoisher for us and all of klal yisroel.

  8. Rav Elyashiv, ztl.

    Please storm the heavens for all of klal yisroel.

    The jewish people need parnassa, refuas, shidduchim, success with child raising , and so much more.

    Your Torah and avodah lifted up thousands of people who came to see you.

    We are lost without gedolim.

    I have tears running down as I write this.


  9. Baruch Dayan Haemet May it be a kaparah for ami yisrael and that all ami yisrael should live a happy and healthy 120 yeras of life full of torah and mitzvot

  10. Baruch HaDayan HaEmmet the sense of being orphaned is real who will fill the Rav’s place as the generation’s leader?
    In the meantime let not the timing be lost on the nation as a call to take more action to repair one’s own behavior and may the Rav be our advocate on High

  11. baruch dayan haemes.
    i have no words to say
    a magazine wrote an article about a year and a half ago on the oldest gedolim of our era
    many were niftar r”l since.

  12. to-to moshe chaim

    what a chutzpa & a shame you say, you put a curse on klal yisroel when you think that this is all coincidence & klal yisroel as a nation doesn’t see why over 90+ gedolei Hador & Rabbonim have been niftar IN ONLY 16 MONTHS

    we have all caused this to ourselves as a nation by not coming together & doing something about it-rather its teshuva, achdus etc…-its really sad that tragedies continue R”L, BUT WE DON’T LEARN FROM IT & CHANGE OUR WAYS TO THE POSITIVE let us just show Hashem a SIGN of charata (remorse) or teshuva (repentance) & perhaps then Hashem will stop these tragic vents from occuring & brin klal yisroel one step closer towards Mashiach


  13. Gadol Missas Tzaddikim K’sryfaas Beis Elokeinu!
    Gadol Missas Tzaddikim Yosser K’sryfaas Beis Elokeinu!

    What a sad day for us on this planet – What a simcha in Shomayim! The tzaddik “WILL” be mailitz for us because he had true ahavas Yisroel.

  14. We are hoping to broadcast the Levaya on the JewishMusicStream.com, which can also be heard by phone at (712) 432-4213 – details to follow as they become available.

  15. Beth Medrash Govoha has arranged a hookup for the levaya of Harav Hagaon Posek Hador Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, zt”l .

    Time: 3 pm

    Location: Beren Dining Hall, Zemel and Bendheim (Yashan) Battei Medrashim

  16. Beth Medrash Govoha has arranged a hookup for the levaya of Harav Hagaon Posek Hador Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, zt”l .

    Time: 3 pm

    Location: Beren Dining Hall, Zemel and Bendheim (Yashan) Battei Medrashim

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