Video: Former Mossad MIA Man: “Shalit Deal Catastrophic”

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rami-igra[Video below.] In wake of the reports of a prisoner swap deal that may be finalized soon between Israel and the Hamas, Israel National News speaks with Rami Igra, who served as head of the Mossad’s Prisoners

and MIAs department.

In the following video, Igra estimates that, at this point the Hamas has many reasons to continue postponing and rejecting any deal. However, if the reports are accurate, Igra warns that the release of so many terrorists, and such prominent ones, will change the situation in the Middle East.

Click below to watch:

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{Arutz Shevah/Yair Israel}


  1. 1 man for 450 muslims just means 450 more suicide bombers CHAS V’SHALOM to blow up in israel. not such a worthy deal for one person.

  2. “However, if the reports are accurate, Igra warns that the release of so many terrorists, and such prominent ones, will change the situation in the Middle East.”

    This is only because the zionists refuse to win their wars and take true action that would stop them after release.

    Bring Gilead Home.

  3. He’s right. Not only will we have 450 criminals walking around scout free and planning their next move in trying to eliminate more Jews, but the next time any amount of these criminals get caught again, they know all they have to do is capture another Israeli soldier, hold him prisoner,apply psychological warfare, and then to agree to swap the soldier for another few hundred murderers.

  4. I was always very against these prisoner swaps as they are terribly harmful. On the other hand, a news outlet once printed a halachic discussion about the priority of bringing the soldiers home. I don’t remember the details and I wish I could access it but the bottom line is that it’s not a simple question.

  5. Don’t we recall the last swap? We received dead bodies. No one was returned alive. The solution here is simple. We don’t swap. We raid and then we kill all the terrorists, Hiroshima style. We need another Entebbe.

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