17 State Attorneys General Call For Canceling $50K In Student Loan Debt

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A coalition of 17 state attorneys general is calling for the cancellation of up to $50,000 in federal student loan debt for all borrowers.

The Democratic attorneys general, led by New York Attorney General Letitia James and Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, sent a letter to congressional leaders on Friday supporting resolutions that call on President Biden to use executive action to forgive outstanding student loans.

“The existing repayment system for Federal student loans provides insufficient opportunity for struggling borrowers to manage their debts or recover from the current economic crisis,” the attorneys general wrote. “Broad cancellation of Federal student loan debt will provide immediate relief to millions who are struggling during this pandemic and recession, and give a much-needed boost to families and our economy.”

The letter noted that borrowers were struggling with student debt long before the coronavirus pandemic, and that people of color have been disproportionately affected.

Read more at The Hill.



  1. I support canceling student debt but I think that to be fair, those who paid back their debt should get free money too. They should also give free money to JEWS and African Americans as reparations for what we had to go through in the past. I’m just surprised that there is not a big push in the Jewish world for this like there is in other minority communities. Why is it that there are some Jews who vote for the party of white supremacy, the party of neonazis, the party of Reagan? Show some hakoras hat over to Obama and Clinton who did so much to bring equality to us and other minority groups in America

    • We’re in galus now. Stay off the reparations honey trail. It will not end well. Don’t be so concerned about the other races receiving their justice. Again, it never benefited the yidden in galus.

    • 7:13pm, why is that I get an impression that you are not even Jewish, and are just a D’Rat provocateur-troll. No Jew is feeble-minded enough as to produce your comment, and I am not even discussing your complete ignorance of history and political definitions as is demonstrated in your comment. No offense, but people with IQ below 75, such as you darling, should know that they are too dumb to express any opinions.

  2. The letter noted that borrowers were struggling with student debt long before the coronavirus pandemic, and that people of color have been disproportionately affected.

    Why stop there? People were struggling with mortgages long before the coronavirus pandemic too.

    And why is people of color have been disproportionately affected a reason to cancel student debt. Was anyone wronging people of color when they signed onto their student loans that we now owe them forgiveness for them?

  3. I’m not sure what connection there is between student debt and Attorney Generals, but nevertheless, in this current period of time where the current culture has been referred to as “Cancel Culture”, I guess it makes sense to call for the “cancelling” of student loan debt. In fact, when asked by my grocery store why the check I recently sent them had bounced, I explained that “I canceled it, and that they should just chalk it up to ‘Cancel Culture ‘ “. Soon afterward, the grocery store canceled a delivery to my house, and left a note by my door saying, “Just chalk it up to ‘Cancel Culture”. I recently canceled an appointment I had with my doctor. When asked why I canceled the appointment, I said, “Just chalk it up to ‘Cancel Culture ‘ ” When I tried to reschedule the appointment, I was told that they have plenty of slots open due to an abundance of cancellations they received as a result of “Cancel Culture.” As I was about to specify which slot I wanted to fill, they told me, “Never mind, we just got word that the state has canceled the renewal of the doctor’s medical license due to “Cancel Culture”, and you need to find a new doctor.”

  4. i am assuming that the loans were for tuition so universities would be able to pay teachers salaries, students would be able to purchase book necessary for the classes for which they had registered,etc. were the teachers without salary all year? did the students return the books they bought from the university stores? who is now going to pay for the purchases now?

  5. Why not forgive my credit card or mortgage debt? Or car debt? Or better yet, make the overpriced universities causing this debt, pay for it!!

  6. As soon as President Trump will be back, NESARA / GESARA will be implemented. This will include cancellation of student load debt, as well as all other debts from everyone, like mortgages, etc. Thousands have already gotten their mortgages cancelled.

  7. With all their big talk about cancelling debt you’ll never hear them talk about cancelling TAX debt for struggling business owners and workers.


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