24 Hours Remaining: Dee Voch Afikomen Sale Promotion

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The popular weekly Dee Voch magazine which appears each week bursting with content for every taste and every age has recently launched a subscription service with home delivery in many Jewish communities, including Boro Park, Williamsburg, Monsey, New Square, Monroe & Lakewood..

Subscribe & Save $50 annually (while sparing yourself the headache of having to buy the magazine at the newsstand each week). Hundreds of your friends and neighbors have already grabbed this special deal—and for another 24 hours, you can too!

For the remaining day of this “Afikomen Sale,” every subscriber will receive a $50 gift certificate to the popular Toys 4 You toy store, as well as the new “Kliger Bichel” that all the children are raving about!

This package of goodies is hard to beat; a true afikomen gift for every member of the family!

Subscription is easy and quick. Do it now through any of the following!

Click: DeeVoch.com

Call: 718-305-5863 ext 2





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