3 Ways to Replace Your Old Garden Hose

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Spring and summer weather are finally upon us. Now that everything is warming up it means we have serious garden goals this year. As you continue to add more pictures to your pinterest board for ways you want to give your outdoor area a revamp consider changing out your bulky old garden hose. Let’s face it – it’s been way too long since we gave our hose a makeover. Traditional garden hoses are bulky, they take up a lot of space, and are heavy to lug around while you water all your gorgeous new plants. Switching out to an expandable hose is an easy and more appealing solution. Once you see these pocket hose reviews you’ll understand why. 

No More Bulky Hose Reel

Once you replace that old green garden hose with a Pocket Hose Silver Bullet you will no longer have need for that big bulky hose reel you need to wind up and store your hose. Hose reels tend to be a garden eyesore. They take up a lot of space and the only reasonable place to put them is hidden behind a bush. But, that means just to water your plants you have to drag the whole thing out. Then when you’re finished you have to struggle in the hot sun to wind it up and get it tucked away again. 

Switching to an expandable hose is an easy solution to make gardening a breeze. Simply turn on the water and watch it expand. Then when you’re done turn the water off and it will shrink right back down making it so much more practical to store. 

Replacing your reel and old hose with a completely new and affordable solution with the Pocket Hose Silver Bullet is certainly a quick and easy fix that will help you get your yard work done in less time… and help you get less sweaty too. 

Bigger Yard, Longer Hose

Another reason, besides the aesthetics, to change out your old garden hose is that you’ve moved into a larger yard. Many people make the mistake of thinking they can just stretch their old hose to reach a larger area but this is wrong, and can be damaging to your hose. By continuing to stretch your old hose further than it can reach you are damaging the area where it couples to the water supply. This will likely eventually cause a leak and you’ll be wasting precious water. 

An expandable hose comes in multiple sizes: 25,50,75, or 100 feet. If you have a large area to cover there is certainly a Pocket Hose Silver Bullet to fit your yards needs. Its unique bullet shell outer casing won’t kink or tear; in fact unlike traditional hoses it’s designed to stretch out as it fills with water. This makes reaching all those hard to reach areas that much easier. 

If you are working with a very large area you could always consider attaching multiple hoses using a garden hose adaptor. Since hoses in the US use a standardized threading any two hoses should be able to connect as long as they are the same diameter. You can measure this by measuring the inner dimensions of the hose. This will allow you to reach more ground without negatively affecting your hose. 

Leaky Hose 

If your garden hose is leaking on the female-end, end that attaches to the sprayer, consider changing out the washer where the sprayer head meets the hose. This is a quick and easy solution so you don’t waste water. 

If the hose is leaking from the male-end, the end which connects to the water source, this is a larger problem. You may have caused this by stretching the hose as was mentioned above. However, it is replaceable. Use a sharp knife, like a boxcutter, and slice through the hose near the male-end connector. If you are unsure of what size your hose is you can always bring the leaky end to a hardware store to find the right size to replace it with. Then simply buy a new male hose mender from a local hardware store.

It should attach easily to your old hose. If you’re having issues with the malleability of your old garden hose try soaking it in a little water. Then voila! The male hose mender should slide right on. 

If this seems like a lot of work, buying a new hose is also a practical solution. Choosing an expandable hose could help you reach more of your yard without over-stretching the hose and causing a leak in the first place. The Pocket Hose Silver Bullet is a wonderful option as it is: easy to store, kink-free, lead free, and lightweight. It makes gardening so much more efficient which means you have more time to sit outside and simply enjoy your beautiful yard. 

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmZcQRe6pw0


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