United For Ukraine – 17 Cities, 75,000+ Jews

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Ukraine is under attack.
Many have already fled to safer neighboring countries, but a vast majority have stayed behind.
They have stayed behind for a number of reasons, while many have stayed to lend themselves to the resistance, most have stayed behind simply because they do not have the resources to flee to safety, or they have elderly or sickly members of their family who are unable to make the arduous trek.
Whatever their reason for staying, they have all been in regular contact with their local Chabad institutions to seek shelter, food, and other critically important necessities needed to survive this Russian invasion.
While most Chabad Rabbis have been afforded the opportunity to flee to safety themselves, they opted to be there for their brothers and sisters in their times of distress.
A global relief fund has been established to assist in this massive operation at JewsofUkraine.com.
When one Jew is in distress, it’s our responsibility to make sure he is tended to. How much more so when tens of thousands of Jews are literally caught in the crossfire?
Do your part by visiting https://jewsofukraine.com/dema


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