Pelosi Plans Bill To Limit Pardons In Wake Of Stone Commutation

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that in the wake of President Donald Trump’s commutation of Roger Stone’s criminal sentence, she plans to support a bill limiting the ability of presidents to take such actions.

“President Trump’s decision to commute the sentence of top campaign adviser Roger Stone, who could directly implicate him in criminal misconduct, is an act of staggering corruption,” Pelosi said in a statement on Saturday.

“Congress will take action to prevent this type of brazen wrongdoing. Legislation is needed to ensure that no president can pardon or commute the sentence of an individual who is engaged in a cover-up campaign to shield that President from criminal prosecution,” Pelosi said.

A bill limiting the president’s powers of pardon and commutation would have no chance of becoming law as long as Republicans control the Senate and Trump remains in the White House. The bill would also likely face legal challenges were it to become law.

The Constitution gives the president the power to pardon and reprieve except in cases of impeachment, and some legal scholars say that wording proscribes Congress placing other limits.

(c) 2020, Bloomberg · Erik Wasson 



  1. Juat like the nuclear option law, this one will come back to bite them as well. If the masked basement phantom ever manages to steal the elections, his handlers will most definitely start commuting/pardoning every black criminal in our prison system as part of the new BLM world order. Biden being a privileged WHITE will have to comply as part of his WHITE apology tour. Eerrrr, but he’ll run out of pardons on day 1 as he maxes out the limit. Then what? I guess he can start by throwing Pelosi Schiff & Nadler in prison.


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