Pelosi Suggests Democrats Might Scale Back Stimulus Plan

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested that Democrats might be willing to make more cuts to their stimulus proposal to seal a deal with Republicans and speed COVID-19 relief, then come back after the November elections with additional agenda items.

“We’re willing to cut our bill in half to meet the needs right now,” she said Tuesday at a Politico Playbook event. “We’ll take it up again in January.”

Pelosi’s spokesman Drew Hammill later said that she was referring to previous offers to meet Republicans “halfway, not cutting our bill in half.”

Read more at NEWSMAX.



  1. Bla bla bla. Talk talk talk. In the meantime, struggling Americans who have paid into the system are left with nothing other than empty promises. We have a corrupt one party system in this elitist controlled government. We the people are just useless pawns in the power grabbing that goes on in the cesspool called Washington DC!


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