Audio: Rav Reisman On Parshas Mishpatim

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rav-yisroel-reisman1[Audio below.] The following is a shiur delivered by Harav Yisroel Reisman, maggid shiur in Yeshiva Torah Vodaas and mara d’asra of Agudath Israel of Madison. The shiur, on Parshas Mishpatim, was delivered to Rav Reisman’s alumni over the telephone. Rav Reisman makes a strong effort to keep in touch with all his talmidim even after they have left the yeshiva. His weekly teleconference is one that many of his talmidim look forward to each week. is proud to feature the shiur exclusively each week.

To listen to this week’s shiur, click below:

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{Yossi Newscenter}


  1. Rabbi Reisman’s question might have been alluded by Rashi himself (“Lo Yadaati etc.).
    The answer given by Rashi is that a Talmid’s relationship to his Rav transcends the boundaries of accepted norms. We find that if a Talmid is sent to Golus, his Rav is forced to follow him there, although the latter is free of any transgression.
    One more answer to the above question is touched upon by Rashi: The future leader of Klall Yisroel was not to be involved in any way by the Chet HaEgel. He therefore was led out of the Machne by Moshe Rabenu himself.


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