Multivitamins Won’t Make You Live Longer – Study

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One third of American adults take multivitamins, beleiving them to be beneficial to their health, despite little evidence in previous studies.

Now, a new study involving almost 400,000 people has found zero benefit from multivitamin use in helping people live longer.

Erikka Loftfield and her team, from the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics at the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) concluded that people: “without a history of major chronic diseases, we did not find evidence to support improved longevity among healthy adults who regularly take multivitamins,”

The new study was published on June 26th in the journal JAMA Network Open.

The study analyzed data from three prospective studies (meaning people were followed over time) with an average 27 years of follow-up.

A whopping total of over 390,000 healthy adults were enrolled in the studies, and they averaged about 61 years of age upon study entry.

Over the nearly three decades of follow-up, almost 165,000 of the participants died. About 50,000 deaths were attributed to cancer, about 35,000 deaths were caused by heart disease and 9,275 deaths were linked to strokes.

Loftfield’s group detected no association between multivitamin use and a person’s odds of dying within the study period.

In fact, “we found that daily multivitamin use vs nonuse was associated with 4% higher mortality [death] risk,” the researchers said.

People’s race, ethnicity, education or dietary quality didn’t alter the results.



  1. It’s silly to take multivitamin which contains all kinds of ingredients and can be dangerous too. Taking, for instance, more calcium when you don’t need it, might be dangerous. Rather take separate vitamins that your body is deficient of to keep you healthy.

  2. Yup. Just looked up the research and it’s funded and brought to us by the National Institute of Health (NIH)…..
    Hmmm… Is that the dept. that Fauci ran for decades?
    I guess that gives us a little context and how seriously we should take this “studies”…..

  3. This study is flawed.It did not include kosher vitamins which are way more healthy in this world and in the next world. Stay warm stay healthy.

  4. It is famously well known that the super tyrannical dictator of history, Joseph Stalin of Communist Russia, then called the Soviet Union, remarked that he was ALL FOR having “free” “democratic” elections — as long as HE would be the one who would get to count the votes!! (For then it would be obvious that he would just simply count only those votes that were for him and then say that he had “won” the election.)

    The people who made these studies — WHO are they??? The U.S. National Cancer Institute (the NCI)??? The National Institute of Health (the NIH)??? Government related offices who are close associates of the pharmaceutical drug manufacturing corporations??? So, of course, it is obvious they are going to say that their studies “show” results that denigrate benefits of natural healing remedies.

  5. The word “vitamin” and the word “multivitamin” are each exceedingly general words; each one is about as specific of a word as the word “car,” which is obviously not specific at all. For there are literally MANY THOUSANDS of different kinds of cars out there: Cars of different sizes, cars of different colors, cars with different features, cars built by different manufacturing companies, cars of different degrees of quality, and so on.

    The exact same type of situation is with vitamins as there are literally MANY THOUSANDS of different kinds of vitamin-nutrient products out there: Different Vitamin-Nutrient categories: Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Glutathione, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Manganese, Quercetin, CoQ10, Pro-Biotics, Selenium, Zinc, are just a few of the more “common” ones.

  6. Now, these different vitamin-nutrients are presented in different ways: One, we can call “Vitamin-Nutrient SINGLES,” which are products of just ONE of these categories, which would be a bottle of pills of just, for example, Vitamin A. Another, which we can call “Vitamin-Nutrient COMPLEXES,” which are products of a COMBINATION of a FEW of these categories, which would be a bottle of pills of a combination of, for example, Vitamin C & Vitamin D & Quercetin & Zinc. And the other, which we can call “Vitamin-Nutrient REAL BIG Complexes,” which are officially called “Multivitamins.” These are products of a combination of VERY, VERY MANY — maybe twenty or maybe even thirty — of these categories.

    Understandably, of these vitamin complexes and multivitamins, there are many, many, many different products of different formulations of different combinations.

  7. It is famously well known that the super tyrannical dictator of history, Joseph Stalin of Communist Russia, then called the Soviet Union, remarked that he was ALL FOR having “free” “democratic” elections — as long as HE would be the one who would get to count the votes!! (For then it would be obvious that he would just simply count only those votes that were for him and then say that he had “won” the election.)

    The people who did these studies — WHO are they??? The U.S. National Cancer Institute (the NCI)??? The National Institute of Health (the NIH)??? Government related offices who are close associates of the pharmaceutical drug manufacturing corporations??? So, as their goal is to promote the use of only their synthetic medications, of course, it is obvious they are going to say that their studies “show” results that denigrate benefits of natural healing remedies.

  8. The word “vitamin” and the word “multivitamin” are each exceedingly general words; each one is about as specific of a word as the word “car,” which is obviously not specific at all. For there are literally MANY THOUSANDS of different kinds of cars out there: Cars of different sizes, cars of different colors, cars with different features, cars built by different manufacturing companies, cars of different degrees of quality, and so on.

    The exact same type of situation is with vitamins as there are literally MANY THOUSANDS of different kinds of vitamin-nutrient products out there: Different Vitamin-Nutrient categories: Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Glutathione, Iron, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Manganese, Quercetin, CoQ10, Pro-Biotics, Selenium, Zinc, are just a few of the more “common” ones.

  9. Now, these different vitamin-nutrient products come in different ways: One, we can call “Vitamin-Nutrient SINGLES,” which are products of just ONE of these categories, which would be a bottle of pills of just, for example, Vitamin A. Another, which we can call “Vitamin-Nutrient COMPLEXES,” which are products of a COMBINATION of a FEW of these categories, which would be a bottle of pills of a combination of, for example, Vitamin C & Vitamin D & Quercetin & Zinc. And the other, which we can call “Vitamin-Nutrient REAL BIG Complexes,” which are officially called “Multivitamins.” These are products of a combination of VERY, VERY MANY — maybe thirty or maybe even forty — of these categories.

    Understandably, of these vitamin complexes and multivitamins, there are many, many, many different products of different formulations of combinations.

  10. Now, in each of these categories of single vitamin or vitamin complex or multivitamin products, there are very numerous variations in the AMOUNTS OF THE SIZE of the supplement pill. For a few examples, a line of Vitamin C products may offer a choice of a 50 milligram capsule or a 100 milligram capsule or a 500 milligram capsule or a 1000 milligram capsule. One Vitamin C & Zinc complex may contain 10 milligrams of Zinc and 500 Milligrams of Vitamin C, while another complex will have 20 milligrams of Zinc and 100 milligrams of Vitamin C. One multivitamin may contain 50 mcg of Selenium while another multivitamin will have 200 mcg of Selenium.

  11. Now, all — single, complex, or multi — vitamin products with their very numerous different dosage sizes, are manufactures by very, very many different companies from very, very, VERY many different source materials. Many of these source materials are derived from corn and soy; very tragically, today, ALMOST ALL corn and soy has been genetically modified (unless there is some certification that indicates that it was not GMO). Also, the materials of many vitamin products, especially the bindings and the coatings and the colorings are artificial synthetically produced materials. Needless to say, these genetically modified corn & soy sources and artificial materials are gravely toxic & harmful to human physiology, and thus such vitamins are really very UN-Natural (supposedly) “Natural” products.

    Boruch Hashem though, there are also very many very excellent nutrient producing companies who are extremely careful to procure their materials only from pure natural non-GMO non-toxic sources.

  12. They report here that there was a set of gigantic studies of use of multivitamins done with close to 400,000 people. They claim that the results showed that not only did multivitamin use NOT help people live longer, but, on the contrary, a lot of the people who took multivitamins actually died a bit earlier!!

    After the very extensive detailed introduction I just presented, to correctly evaluate the results of these studies, there is one question that must be asked: “(As there are literally thousands of multivitamin products) WHICH multivitamin product was the one that was used for the studies???”

    If the particular one that was used is one that is comprised of fairly low dosages of many key nutrients, then that explains why the results showed no positive benefits from it of people living longer. For such low amounts of the key nutrients cannot give a patient the help he or she needs to have better longer health & life.

    If the particular one that was used is one that is comprised of a lot of synthetic materials and materials that come from sources that are genetically modified, then that explains why the results actually showed NEGATIVE benefits from it of people dying earlier!! For, as I related above, synthetic materials and genetically modified life forms are gravely toxic and significantly damage human physiology. So vitamins made from such sources are ABSOLUTELY NOT “good” “natural” remedies!! Instead, they are very “bad” very UN-Natural products that certainly cause a lot more harm than good!!


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