Picking and Choosing: U.S. Did Not Want Israel to Release Palestinian Who Murdered American

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othman-amar-mustafaAs Washington pressured Israel to release terrorists who murdered dozens of Israelis before the signing of the Oslo Accords, it expressed reservations about the release of one man – Othman Amar Mustafa.

While the U.S. has no qualms about lobbying for the release of those who have murdered dozens of Israelis, it has a hard time accepting the release of a terrorist who killed an American citizen. In 1989, Mustafa killed Steven Rosenfeld, a native-born New Yorker.

Nearly half of the 13,000 terrorists whom Israel has released since 1985 resumed terrorist activities either as planners of attacks, executors of attacks, or accessories.
The Americans don’t need the Israeli precedent to understand that of the 603 prisoners who have been released from Guantanamo Bay, 100 resumed their careers in terrorism, while another 74 are suspected of going back to terrorism.

It’s not hard to understand why the rate of terrorist recidivism is so high among the Palestinians. The terrorists are welcomed back into an atmosphere that exalts and lionizes acts of terrorism and jihad.

Just last week, in a “cultural” event hosted by PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas, citation certificates were awarded to a number of terrorists convicted of murdering Israelis. These men were released from prison two months ago.

{Matzav.com Israel News Bureau}



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