ABSURD: Report: Soldiers Not Permitted To Open Fire At Suspicious Persons On Gaza Border

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In the initial stages of the current conflict, the Israeli defense establishment announced a fresh security zone within the Gaza Strip, extending one kilometer from the Israeli border. This measure aimed to deter Palestinian Arabs from approaching the fence, amid fears that they might be potential terrorists in disguise, a concern highlighted by the events leading up to the Hamas attack on October 7.

However, revelations from Kan 11 News on Sunday indicate a shift in the IDF’s rules of engagement over the past month, rendering the enforcement of the newly designated security parameter unfeasible.

Consequently, Palestinian Arabs are now venturing closer to the border fence with the Gaza Strip, with the stationed soldiers unable to employ lethal force against them as per the altered rules of engagement.

Responding to this development, Arutz Sheva reports, the IDF stated, “The IDF maintains preparedness along the border fence with a substantial deployment of forces, employing diverse strategies to safeguard the area. The rules of engagement are structured, permitting the forces to neutralize any threat, utilizing all available means to protect their lives.”

{Matzav.com Israel}



  1. Soldiers Not Permitted To Open Fire At Suspicious Persons On Gaza Border because it might be an Arab.
    Is this new rule from the self-appointed anti-Israel pro-Arab radical liberal criminal judges?


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