After Her Daughter’s Rescue: Mother of Rescued Hostage Noa Argamani Passes Away

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On Tuesday morning, Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv reported the passing of Liora Argamani, mother of Noa Argamani, who had recently been freed from Hamas captivity, after a prolonged struggle with cancer.

“The late Liora spent her final days next to her daughter, Noa, who returned from captivity and next to her close family. We convey the family’s request to respect their privacy during these difficult times. We share in the Argamani family’s grief. May her memory be blessed,” the hospital stated.

In November, Liora Argamani had released a poignant video in which she pleaded to see her daughter one last time due to her terminal illness.

“I am Liora Argamani, the mother of Noa, the beautiful girl who was abducted on October 7th by Hamas to Gaza. I am now sick with cancer – brain cancer. I do not know how much time I have left,” she expressed.

She continued, “I want to get to see my Noa at home. I call on President Biden and the Red Cross: bring me my Noa as fast as possible so I’ll get to see her.”

Liora also shared a heartfelt message for her daughter in case they wouldn’t reunite: “Noa, I want to tell you, if I don’t see you, know that I love you the most. We did everything to get you out quickly. The entire world loves you.”

Subsequently, Liora Argamani penned a letter to US President Joe Biden, urging him to assist in securing her daughter’s release.

In her letter, she mentioned her desire to see Noa, who was kidnapped at the Nova music festival, before succumbing to brain cancer.

“I am terminally ill with Stage 4 brain cancer. All that’s running through my mind before I part ways with my family forever is the chance to hug my daughter, my only child, one last time,” Argamani wrote, noting her devastation over her daughter’s ordeal.

She acknowledged Biden’s significant role in reuniting some Israeli hostages with their families.

“….I would like to request from you, Mr. President, as a present, to see my daughter again before I leave this world,” Argamani wrote, recognizing Biden’s personal understanding of the importance of family and his strong bond with his children.

“My daughter Noa is a contagiously happy and resilient young woman. She loves to dance, loves music, loves being with her friends and family. She deserves to be back where she belongs, pursuing her dreams, surrounded by love and care. She deserves to see her mother alive one last time,” Argamani’s letter continued.

Noa Argamani’s abduction became a symbol of Hamas’ attack on Israel. On October 7, a video surfaced showing 26-year-old Noa and her partner Avinatan Or being kidnapped from the Nova music festival. The video depicted Noa screaming in fear and reaching out for Avinatan as she was taken away on the back of a motorcycle.

{ Israel}



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