Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Fears Trump Will Throw Her in Jail if He Wins

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Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) expressed her concerns about the potential repercussions if former President Donald Trump wins the upcoming election in November. During an interview on Kara Swisher’s podcast “On with Kara Swisher,” Ocasio-Cortez shared her fears about possible imprisonment under a Trump administration.

“I mean, it sounds nuts, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy threw me in jail,” she remarked. “He’s out of his mind. I mean, he did his whole first campaign around ‘lock her up.’ This is his motto.” Ocasio-Cortez emphasized her belief that Trump intends to “round up people” if he returns to office.

“I take him at his word when he says that he’s going to round up people. I take him at his word when he threatens journalists. I take him at his word,” she explained. “I feel like what we saw in his first presidency was an amuse-bouche to what his intentions are. He has learned from his mistakes of appointing professionals, and he will not make that mistake next time.”

When asked about Trump’s chances in the November election, Ocasio-Cortez affirmed that she believes he could win against Biden. “Trump does absolutely have a chance to win. That is why I have thrown my support behind Biden early and I support it vociferously,” she said. “It is unequivocal that if Donald Trump wins, we are looking at the potential dissolution of democracy in the United States of America and the question about what would happen to me or the Democratic Party is a joke compared to the question of what is going to happen to our country.”

Although Trump has previously vowed to be his supporters’ “retribution,” he recently conveyed a different message in an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News, where he expressed a desire not to further divide the country. “Number one, they’re wrong,” Trump told Hannity. “It has to stop, because otherwise, we’re not going to have a country. Look, when this election is over, based on what they’ve done, I would have every right to go after them, and it’s easy, because it’s Joe Biden and you see all the criminality, all of the money that’s going into the family and him, all of this money from China, from Russia, from Ukraine.”

Actor Robert De Niro also voiced similar concerns, fearing personal repercussions if Trump is reelected. Speaking on HBO’s Real Time, De Niro said, “If he wins the election, you won’t be on the show anymore. He’ll come looking for me. There’ll be things that happen that none of us can imagine.” He further added, “We wanna live in a world that we want to live in and enjoy living in, or live in a nightmare? Vote for Trump and you’ll get the nightmare, vote for Biden and we’ll be back to normalcy.”



    • She’s not just stupid. She’s a big stupid. Anyway, according to her, the world will end by 2026 due to climate change and evil vehicle owners. This lunatic moron makes the tinfoil commenter (about masks and actors) here look like a genius.

  1. This hunk of wasted human flesh has proven that stupid can grow and become even more stupid. She has always been known to be brain dead. Her lack of knowledge pales in comparison to her inability to think straight, and the complete absence of moral value. The “Lock her up” during the prior campaign was about Hillary, who was unquestionably guilty of serious crimes. AOC should get locked up for any crimes she commits. Her insinuation otherwise is just word salad. And we should stop paying attention to her barking.

  2. I don’t see any real chance that paranoid victim wannabe AOC would end up in jail under a Trump administration but other Democrats who would not have otherwise may end there . As the saying goes “Don’t create weapons you don’t want your enemies using” The Democrats have turned the DOJ into a (misused) weapon against some of their political opponents. Trump will almost definitely follow their example if he wins

  3. She’s a complete liar and performer. Either she plays “I’m so tough, you don’t want to mess with me” card or she plays the “Poor little me-the-victim, look at the big, bad men who want to hurt me” card. She knows full-well exactly what she’s doing, and furthermore knows she’s relatively insignificant to Trump and not even worth his time. One other thing she has to know is that the President of the U.S. doesn’t rule by fiat but is bound by law; even if Trump wins he can’t simply order that someone be thrown in prison.

    Bottom line – she’s a liar and an actor. Sit back, enjoy the performance, and don’t make the mistake of taking her seriously or believing a word she says.

  4. Sad how someone could be soooooo mentally incompetent and yet be elected to Congress.

    I hope and pray there are enough normal people left in her district to come out to vote against her on Primary Day, June 25, and if not then, then on Election Day!

    • It is not sadness. It is a reflection of the electorate and the disdain her predecessor showed for the same electorate.

  5. Why would anyone throw her in jail, when, in reality, she needs a straight jacket and a well-padded room?
    She is the only American waitress who brings absolutely nothing to the table.

  6. She’s projecting what they’re doing to him onto her. But hey if she’s guilty of the various counts of fraud she’s been accused of, she’s just preemptively setting up a victim narrative. I hope if she is guilty of financial crimes she does get convicted.


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