AMERICA FIRST, NOT UKRAINE FIRST: Jordan Says We Need Answers Before Sending More Money

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House Judiciary Chair and potential future Speaker of the House Jim Jordan stopped by Fox & Friends Thursday morning to make his position on Ukraine very clear; “we need answers,” Jordan says.


“And second, how has the money that’s already been spent —HOW has it been spent?” Jordan says.

“Those are the fundamental questions we should have answered before we even think about sending more money.”

Watch the clip below:


  1. Boruch Hashem, finally, there is someone — a pretty good guy, Mr. Jim Jordan — who is asking some excellent questions here: ” . . . . the money that’s already been spent — HOW has it been spent?” He is probably already well aware how the money has been spent and is thus stating this question for US to ask & investigate & realize that almost all of it — or, more likely, actually ALL of it — has been spent on things that are very much not good, and so we certainly should not be giving any more money to be spent on these very much not good things.

  2. We must realize that Ukraine is absolutely not any kind of “democracy” or “fee country” in any way or form at all!! Its wicked stud leader Zelensky is a horrid Toeiva guy who publicly flaunts his Toeiva. He rules the country with an iron fist, shutting down all media and political groups except his own. He oversees an extensive turf of the most excessive corruption of not only under-the-table money laundering, but also is the hub of horrendous evil rings — involving numerous western government officials & other powerful elites — of child trafficking, where millions of children are cruelly abducted to be slaves in the most horrific sinister abuse.

    Therefore, all of the endless military support and all of the endless money that the regime over our country is continually giving this Zelensky regime is absolutely not going to defend any kind of “freedom” or “democracy” at all. Instead, it is going to further promote Zelensky’s & the West’s Toeiva and to further facilitate the trafficking ring’s sadistic abduction of millions of children.

  3. In the 1972 presidential election, the candidate of the Democrat Party was US Senator from South Dakota, George Stanley McGovern (July 19, 1922 – October 21, 2012). He was an extremely strong opponent of the US fighting the War in Vietnam, which was then heavily raging and thus one of the main issues of that era.

    [Of course, a full proper discussion & analysis of the very complex Vietnam conflict is way beyond the scope of our comments here. Therefore, I will just mention one item that is relevant here. It is that one of the huge problems of that situation was that (not Communist) South Vietnam (which the US allied with against Communist North Vietnam) was itself NOT a “free” country. Rather, it was a corrupt iron fist dictatorship that its own people severely resented.]

    At the Democratic National Convention, in his acceptance address, Senator McGovern emphatically declared his opposition and that he would immediately end US action there. He then continued: “And then, let us resolve that NEVER AGAIN will we send the precious young blood of this country to die trying to prop up a corrupt military dictatorship abroad!!”

    Now, whatever wicked things were done by the then “corrupt” government of South Vietnam, that “corruption” was not even ONE ONE THOUSANDTH of the exceedingly excessive outright demonic evil of the evil Zelensky regime over Ukraine that the evil regime over our country is now so excessively supporting.


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